... VITAS (Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Serbia). A Journey to the Antiquity through Contemporary Eyes: The Art Works from Central Balkans’ Roman Provinces
The Central Balkans’ Roman provinces, between ...
... namely with the poet Charles Leconte de Lisle and critic Théophile Gautier.
“Sacred grove” is an ode to antiquity.
Since Puvis, the symbolists perceive with understanding the connection of allegory ...
... to the works of Ducerceau.
Although the publication of the Album B is important for the study of the Renaissance architectural drawing after Antiquity, it does not cover all the problems associated ...
Lilit Mikayelyan
Yerevan State University, Armenia
There are a number of themes in the Late Antique and Early Christian art, that are also known in the art of Sasanian Iran. Among them is the ...
Antonio Corso
Center of Vitruvian Studies; Nordic Library, Athens, Greece
The concern of this paper is a statuette in Parian marble from the quarries of Lakkoi on Paros. The statuette was ...
Title of the article
The Syracuse Metamorphoses: to the Problem of Successive Architectural Transformations from Antiquity to Christianity (as Exemplified by the Temples ...
... VR- и AR-технологий
LIUDMILA DAVYDOVA (Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts, Russian Federation). Antiquity in the Focus of Modern VR and AR Technologies
Современные технологии предоставляют все больше ...
ЕРЕМЕЕВА АННА АЛЕКСЕЕВНА (Государственный Эрмитаж, Российская Федерация). Studiensammlung «Античный лапидарий» в Реставрационно-хранительском центре «Старая Деревня» как пример современного подхода к экспонированию ...
... исследований РААСН и Минстроя России на 2020 г., тема 1.2.16.
капитель, сполии, Храм Гроба Господня, античность, Средние века, архитектура Палестины
capital, spolia, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Antiquity, ...
... Russian Federation). Antiquity as a Way of Understanding Art in the Age of Media
Классическое искусство постоянно обращалось к античным сюжетам, находя в них устойчивые образы понимания современности. ...
... by distinguishing on one hand different ways to plan a building in Antiquity, on the other hand different contemporary approaches to ancient architecture. Planning and building are two logical steps that ...
... “The Eternal Marbles. Sculpture from Classical Antiquity in Tutorial Practice of the Stieglitz Academy”
Art of the Ancient World (day 1)
Museum Studies
---------------------- ...
Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art–2018. From Antiquity to the Renaissance. Borders and Horizons
Art of the Ancient World
Byzantine and Eastern Christian Art ...
Classical Antiquity and the World around Hellas
Ekaterina N. Vorontsova. The Ara Pacis Reliefs, and Their Artistic Composition
Elizaveta P. Grigorieva. A Comparative Analysis of the Reliefs from ...
... art; among them — art of Classical antiquity, Eastern Christian art, Old Rus’ art, Western European medieval art, art of the Renaissance, Modern art, Western art of the 20th–21stcenturies, Russian art ...
... interest:
Classical Antiquity in art and culture.
Art of Ancient Greece
Art of the Ancient World
Art and Culture of the Ancient World (along ...
... for “Lazarev conrefence”.
In 1988 he completed his PhD “Monumental and decorative paintings in Roman Renaissance villas and the tradition of antiquity (Florence and Rome)” under the supervision by ...
... and congresses:
Byzantium as Christian antiquity. Authors: A. Zakharova, S. Maltseva Actual problems of theory and history of art. International conference for young professionals, St. Petersburg ...
... increased considerably.
The poster contains several reconstructions of different monuments from antiquity to 18th–19th сenturies, they are made by the authors themselves or under their supervision. ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
The understanding of antiquity and the Renaissance was controversial in Russia in the early 20th century: some works were based on the national version of classicism of the late 18th — early 19th centuries; ...