Ph. art history, docent.
Got her first degree from the Department of Interior Design, Mukhina Academy of Art and Design in 2000. In 2005 graduated from the Department of History and Theory of Art, Lomonosov State university. Three years later she completed her PhD “Mythological battle” in Greek architectural reliefs in the 6th– beginning of the 7thcentury”.
From 1999 to 2005 she worked at the Department of Popularisation, Pushkin museum of Fine Arts. From 2009 she has been appointed docent at the Department of World History of Art, Lomonosov State university.
Research interest:
Classical Antiquity in art and culture.
Art of Ancient Greece
Art of the Ancient World
Art and Culture of the Ancient World (along with professor N. Nikulina)
Scenes of battles in Greek architectural reliefs in late Classical Antiquity. Masters and schools of the continental Greece // Art criticism, 2007, № 1–2.
Mythological battle in Greek relief of the 6–5thcenturies B.C. // Lomonosov State university bulletin, number 8 (“History”), 2008, №1.