The selection committee has chosen a children's drawing to serve as the emblem of the 2024 conference. The contest was open to children and teenagers aged 5 to 14 and took place in November-December 2023.
The children's drawing contest, "Art Around Us," was held by St. Petersburg State University in collaboration with the innovative Children's Reading Center, "Library of Book Heroes," of the Central District Children's Library of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution, "Central Library of the Petrogradsky District." This event was held as part of the "The City of Peter in the Lens of a Book Hero" and "A Tale Painted with a Brush" projects.
The city of St. Petersburg is a veritable museum of art, with examples of artistic expression visible in almost every public space. It is regarded as one of the most aesthetically pleasing cities in Europe. The city was founded by Peter the Great and built by architects from a array of countries. It is only worthwhile to acknowledge the aesthetic qualities of surrounding environments and to adopt an artistic perspective in viewing the world. It would be inaccurate to suggest that art is solely confined to art museums. The city's streets and squares, palaces and parks, embankments and bridges are worthy of admiration. For some, the most valuable aspect of the city is a home, a route to school, a small backyard, or an aged tree in a neighboring park. The objective was to create a colorful representation of the Northern Capital City that was particularly cherished by the participants.
It was a challenging task for the jury, which had to evaluate the works of 65 young artists. The quality of the submissions was impressive, with each piece demonstrating a distinct talent and individuality. The following are a few examples: