We accept for publication the articles by the registered conference participants before 1 February 2023. It is important that the article and all the accompanying materials are prepared in accordance with our guidelines, otherwise the publication may be delayed or cancelled. We do not accept late submissions. The accepted articles will be published either in 2023 or in 2024 volume. It depends on what thematic bloc the article belongs to.
After 1 February 2023 the articles will be sent to two experts for the blind peer review procedure. As soon as the selection of articles is finished, the authors will be notified about the outcome of their submissions.
The articles selected for publication will be passed to the editors, who will contact the author in order to make all the necessary clarifications and amendments.
The proofs of the articles will be sent to the authors in September (of the year when the author's thematic bloc is planned to be published) in order to make necessary corrections. At this stage no serious amendments, additions or reductions can be made. In case we don’t receive a corrected version of the proofs by the deadline, the article will be published as it is.
We do not send the electronic versions of the published articles to the authors. The pdf can be downloaded online at the conference website.