Polina Maier
The University of Wurzburg, Germany
This paper explores the problem of the iconographical borrowings in the late Russian icon painting. The study intends to reveal the sources ...
... influenced the artistic development in many ways. New faith changed people’s worldview. In spite of that the forms were still pagan. Therefore there was a strong need to change the meaning of these forms. ...
... only in the scientific field but above all to increase awareness of the meaning that colours had in the ancient world. From an educational and pedagogic point of view Mann-In-Colours attempts to convey ...
... образовании современного Китая
OLGA MEREKINA (art curator, China), OLGA PANOVA (European Association for Chinese Studies, USA). Symbolic Meaning of the Mogao Cave Art and Its Role in the Art Education ...
ПОЛЯНСКАЯ ИРИНА ВЯЧЕСЛАВОВНА (Музей-усадьба «Кусково», Российская Федерация). Смещение границ жанра ‘trompe l’oeil’: между термином и коннотацией
IRINA POLYANSKAYA (The Kuskovo Memorial Estate, Russian ...
... подход де Йонга стремится дешифровать пласты скрытых аллюзий в натюрмортной живописи, в том числе и цветочной [Jongh E. De. Questions of meaning. Theme and motif in Dutch 17-century painting. Leiden, 1995]. ...
... Сивиллы императору Августу»
OLGA NAZAROVA, REGINA GAYNULLINA (The National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation). On Meaning and Function of the Apparition of the Sybil ...
... has long been known and what has just been found constantly interact, creating new meanings and deconstructing the old ones. This process involves not only the academics but all art lovers and museum visitors ...
... meanings and deconstructing the old ones. This process involves not only the academics but all art lovers and museum visitors alike – every exhibition, every research or conservation project leads to the ...
On the cover: Gleb Bogomolov, “Aegina”, 2004 (fragment).
Artifact. Art-Object. Argument. An Object in Fine Arts: Acquisition of New Meanings in Modern and Contemporary Eras
Western European ...
... Moscow, 2007.
The «Classical» tradition of the 7th century architecture in Armenia and Georgia: Meaning for its Place in East-Christian Art // Anadolu ve Зevresinde ORTAЗA (Anatolia and ...
... and religious meanings in Russian art: from icon painting to avant-garde”.
Research interests
Christian ontology and anthropology
Religious studies
Art ...
... and philosophical grounds of contemporary art. Part 2 // St. Petersburg State university bulletin, 2009
On the question of the “contemporary art” origins and meaning // Art criticism 1–2/09. ...
... culture. Moscow, 2004.
Genius Loci and villa Lante on the Janiculum Hill. “Memory of the place” in its Renaissance meaning // Italian compendium. Moscow, 2005.
Image of ...
... practice. The Greek origin of the word theory — thea, meaning “beholding” — points to this sphere. Here, insight and knowledge emerge from a heightened sense of being as well as from an enlivened practice ...
... (M. M. Bakhtin).
The attention to the creative trends resulting from the Renaissance world perception in the architecture of the 1920s was rather strong and meaningful. I will illustrate it with two ...
... art, I might recall Aristotle and his dialogues at the Lyceum about the meaning of life and soul and ask the same question: how art helps us to live, to feel, to think? Another question asked by Confucius ...
... distinction between the object in its usual meaning and the depicted object as part of the sign system.
The aim is to identify the range of issues in semiotic interpretation of the world of objects ...
... meaning the transition from lower to higher forms, and therefore applicable to the study of classical art and culture. Thus we can call the art systems “dissipative” (from lat. dissipatio — “dispersion”). ...
... All this clearly demonstrates the desire of a modern man for self-knowledge. The eternal questions of being, truth and the meaning of life take on a new relevance in the context of modernity.
The history ...