БАРАНДОНИ КРИСТИАНА (Государственный академический университет гуманитарных наук при Российской академии наук; Италия). Изучение древних красок в музейных собраниях. Оптимальные практики и перспективы
CRISTIANA BARANDONI (State Academic University for the Humanities; Italy). Researching Ancient Colours in Museums Collections. Possible Best Practices and Prospects
The National Archaeological Museum of Naples has adopted in its most recent history and post Ministry Reform (2015) a series of innovative strategies, whose purpose is focusing on conscious, inclusive, and responsible fruition of its collections. The Museum's new guidelines answer the need to have instruments that place it within today's society, globalized and dynamic; thanks to technological devices that respond exhaustively to the new way of enjoying the world, the Museum sets a cultural policy that considers individual, collective, physical and economic dimensions as priorities.
Mann-In-Colours is a scientific project carried out by the National Archaeological Museum of Naples in collaboration with the National Taiwan Normal University di Taipei. The project is structured to be a valid support in spreading the knowledge of ancient polychromy not only in the scientific field but above all to increase awareness of the meaning that colours had in the ancient world. From an educational and pedagogic point of view Mann-In-Colours attempts to convey a fundamental cognitive message for a sustainable, philologically correct approach to Greek and Roman statuary to the general public: a coloured vision.
After examining chromatic traces, sometimes imperceptible to the human eye but still existing on sculptures, MannInColours aims at a visual recovery that will revolutionize the aesthetic perception to which these works have accustomed people for centuries. Starting from chemical and physical surveys on selected sculptures belonging to the Farnese Collection, all the works of art analysed will be transformed into 3D models using photogrammetry. All collected data will be systematized in two different databases: one for scholars and one for general public fruition. Analyses on ancient polychromy, databases, 3d modelling together to address the more general question on the reoccurrence of colours in the context of the artistic productions of the ancient world. To try and satisfy this complex request, it is necessary that a method is established according to which, in our specific case, it would take into consideration not only the material object but the context within which it was sited. It’s not only dealing about theorical speculation but it’s a question of ethics and responsibility towards visitors, to whom these research is addressed.
античная полихромия, 3Д моделировние, коммуникационные стратегии
ancient polycghromy, 3d modelling, communication strategy