... British Architects in London
При осмыслении масштаба личности Г.К. Лукомского только теперь можно осознать весь спектр задач, которые он успел поставить перед современниками и будущим поколением. Часть ...
... застройки
TATIANA VOZVYSHAEVA (Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning, Russian Federation). Renovation of London. Innovative Architecture in the Context of Historical ...
... exhibitions and ventures dedicated to women artists. Just to give the latest examples (2019/2020): the great travelling exhibition of Natalia Goncharova (London, Tate Modern — Florence, Palazzo Strozzi ...
... искусства
ANNA GUSEVA (The National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation). Catalogue of the London Exhibition (1935) as a Source on the History of Collecting of Chinese ...
... nature in early modern Europe, 1500–1700. London, 2011] исследуются традиции изображения насекомых в работах таких художников, как Й. Хофнагель, Альдорванди, Мария Сибилла Мериан. К подобным темам обращается ...
... sculpture attracted the European scholars’ interest and large pieces of Lycian sculpture have been moved to European museums (in London and Vienna).
The names given, since the 19th century, to the most ...
... in London, the use of 3D technologies will allow to produce a model of the Nereid monument, assisted by interactive educational tools. This particular fold of the project, still in the making, proved to ...
... of the 11th century"
Anna Zakharova had an internship in Rome (French School scholarship 2001, 2004; Vatican library scholarship 2004-2005), London (The Warburg Institute of the University of ...
... completed in 2012. In 2011 had an academic training in London in terms of partnership with Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art.
Ekaterina Skvortsova takes part in international conferences, ...
... 3. St. Petersburg, 2005
Contemporary art and aesthetics of neo-conservatism. London school // St. Petersburg State university bulletin, 2005
Western art of the 20thcentury, ...
... in London and Paris a series of exhibitions of G. Lukomsky was arranged. Being an impressive array of depictions of ancient European synagogues it was surprising in its novelty. Exhibitions were held in a number ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
Arthur Kharitonov
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
A history of the international exhibitions goes back to more than 160 years. Since the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London such events ...
... Demidov, a first Russian collector of the new historical painting: “The Execution of Lady Jane Grey” (1833, oil on canvas, National Gallery, London) and “The Assassination of the Duke of Guise” (1832, ...
... evolution was the fact, that in London original and distinctive horological tradition had already existed for a very long time, since the very beginning of the 16th century. In addition to the phenomenon ...
... compositions on mythological theme (in particular, it is true for the “Liberation of Andromeda”, ca. 1510–1513, The Uffizi, Florence; “A Satyr mourning over a Nymph”, ca. 1495, the National Gallery, London). ...
... Saint Martins College, London
Tate Modern
University of Cambridge
University of Durham
University of Essex
University of Oxford
University of Warwick
University of Westminster
Cornell ...
... had a great success. His other “semiotic” works were presented at his personal exhibitions in Paris, Leon and during “Russian non-conformism” exhibition in London, New York, Vienna and Tokyo. During his ...
... N. Greek Art. Byzantine Mosaics. Athens, Ekdotikē Athēnōn, 1994. 269 p.
Demus O. An unknown mosaic icon of the Palaeologan epoch, 1946. Studies in Bizantium, Venice and the West. London, ...