Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art

Title of the article The Icon of Christ Emmanuel from the State Historical Museum — a Micromosaic of Early Palaiologan Period 
Authors Yakovleva, Maria I. 
In the section Eastern Christian Art
Year 2013 Issue 3 Pages 180–185
Type of article RAR Index UDK 7.033.2...7  Index BBK 85.03
Abstract The article is concerned with the micromosaic icon of Christ Emmanuel from the State Historical Museum in Moscow. The study deals with the style of icon and considers the new material for stylistic comparisons, in order to specify the place of the object in the context of Early Palaiologan art. The article covers an issue of parallels with other Byzantine micromosaics, which were created at the end of 13th– first quarter of 14th c. Academic significance of the study is emphasized by the lack of researches dedicated to this precious icon.
Keywords micromosaic icon, Christ Emmanuel, Early Palaiologan art, antique prototype
Full text version of the article Article language russian
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