Актуальные проблемы теории и истории искусства

КОРРАДИНИ ЭЛЕНА (Университет Модены и Реджо-Эмилия, Италия). Перспективы стабильного развития итальянских университетских музеев

ELENA CORRADINI (Modena and Reggio Emilia University, Italy). Perspectives of Sustainable Development for the Italian University Museums

The Italian University Museums are characterized by the multiple disciplines they represent, both scientific and artistic: the report intends to present some future perspectives of sustainable development that can come from their activities in network, trying to overcome the difficulties of their organizations with different management systems, in many cases still connected to the Departments of reference.

The starting point, is the first census made by the CRUI (Rectors Conference Rectors Italian Universities): the results will soon be published in a dedicated web portal. From this census, a detailed review of the museum heritage of 39 Italian Universities and its organization is emerged. Starting from these results it’s possible the creation of a National Observatory which is essential first of all to offer advice for the accreditation procedures provided by the National Museum System created by the General Directorate of Museums of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (MIBACT) (D. L. 113/2018): to support these procedures has been recently signed an agreement between the CRUI and the General Directorate.

Through this accreditation in the National Museum System, the University Museums will be able to join a network consisting of more than 5000 Italian Museums and State cultural places, as well as museums and places not belonging to the State, both public and private, for an unified vision of the development of Italian museums regardless of their ownership, size, type and form of management to create a governance of heritage based on sustainability, innovation, participation, and accessibility.

The Museum’s accreditation will allow to strengthen their mutual knowledge and an useful exchange of good practices for a common development and to verify their organization, the management of their juridical and economic profiles, of their collections and their relationships with their regions.

For the Museum’s activities, which now need a careful rethinking after the spread of the pandemic from Covid, the Observatory will be a useful support, to promote the creation of a digitalisation plan for their online activities that should be carried out according to uniform standards capable of guaranteeing interoperability and free access for the data usage. This Observatory could also coordinate the educational paths for visitors and students necessarily renewed after the pandemic from Covid. A bigger attention has to be paid to the relationship with their reference communities by designing itineraries in the region related with the museum's specimens, capable also to promote a cultural and sustainable tourism. Some University Museums of the Italian Network has already organized some of these itineraries dedicated to significant environments and landscapes of the Italian territory, published in the web portal of the Network (www.retemuseiuniversitari.unimore.it).

Finally, since the University Museums lacked an updated space to rapidly disseminate the free expressions of their ideas and projects, an online bilingual magazine was created entitled University Heritage Online Cultural Heritage, the first issue of which will be online on June 15 on a monthly basis (www.universityheritage.eu). The magazine, promoted by University teachers and researcher, is open to the international collaborations not only from the Universities but by anyone who want to support the cultural heritage protection, valorization and development.

устойчивое развитие, Национальная музейная система, обсерватория, сеть университетских музеев Италии

National Museum System, sustainable development, observatory, Italian University Museums Network