Vitalii Vasilev
Interregional Institute of Economics and Law, Russia
In the current socio-political situation it is getting more and more urgent to establish the ideals of national identity, ...
... and cultural ideals of Counter-Reformation Rome. These things often reveal more than originally intended when subjected to a close and contextual reading. The problem is, to align the rhetoric and the ...
... на ее эстетической, сколько на политической ценности. Данное исследование открывает перспективу изучения других иллюстраций Гранжуана в местном анархистском журнале «Ideas y Figuras» («Идеи и Фигуры») ...
... University, Russian Federation). The Idea of Museum in Institutional Theory and Curatorial Projects
Оценка статуса современного искусства теоретически обоснована в контексте институционального подхода, ...
... to rapidly disseminate the free expressions of their ideas and projects, an online bilingual magazine was created entitled University Heritage Online Cultural Heritage, the first issue of which will be ...
ЛЕОНОВА ЮЛИЯ ВАДИМОВНА (Айдеал Спейсез Воркинг Груп, Израиль). Золотая клетка пророка: архитектурно-компаративный очерк о домах Х. Н. Бялика в Тель-Авиве и А. М. Горького в Москве
... (Scientific Ecclesiastical Center “Orthodox Encyclopedia”). To the 100th Anniversary of the Kazan Museum Bulletin: An Idea of Andrey Rublev’s Style at the Beginning of the 1920s.
Казанский музейный вестник, ...
... to a “beautiful ugliness” that sheds light on a contiguity, and perhaps even a coincidence, between these two contrary notions through the theorisation of caricature and the ideal ugliness in the 17th ...
... a portrait of Venice, celebrating the city and its humanist ideals of virtù associated with a certain class of patrons. Reconsidering Bellini’s Procession in the Piazza San Marco (1496), this paper argues ...
... Лазаря, стиль позднепалеологовской живописи
Byzantine icon painting of the 14th century, icon of the late Palaiologan period, reflection of the ideas of hesychasm in art, individual manner of the artist, ...
... us to have an idea of the pantheon and of the visual culture of this town from the age of the severe style until the Roman imperial times.
Тенея, Коринф, сокровищница, бани, статуи
Tenea, Corinth, ...
... an idealized, thus an exemplary depiction of the Panathenaia on 15th Hecatombeon, when the entire population of Athens would be reunited in his social components, or an historical relief issued by the ...
... расположенной в бассейне Дуная (Sandars 1968; Şandor-Chicideanu 2003).
Погребальный контекст, характерный как для эгейской, так и балкано-дунайской пластики, имеет корни в культурах рубежа энеолита — ...
... museum that is known for its rich collection and variety of presented ideas.
The Tretyakov Gallery has three main goals:
to study, preserve, represent and popularise the art of Russia; ...
... the 1970s–2010s
Elena N. Kuz’mina. Influence of the Ideas of Ancient Democracy upon the Creativity of a Moscow Painter Andrei Pashkevich (1945–2011)
Elena B. Churilova. Images of Classical Antiquity ...
... a greater exchange of ideas.
Poster presentations should to be submitted in written form. Your presentation should not last for more than 20 min. A poster is usually a mixture of a brief text mixed ...
... in the Northern Europe. Moscow, 1997
Leonardo da Vinci’s architectural ideas in France // Leonardo da Vinci and Renaissance. Moscow, 2004
Castle and the Renaissance villa ...
... dedicated to the memory of K. Khapakhchyan. Moscow, 2009
Images of “mair ekeletsi” (Mother church) ihn Armenian and Georgian architecture // Mediaval Russian art. Idea and image. Researching ...
... 2008.
Templum Mundi. L.B. Alberti on the ideal of country villa life // L.B. Alberti and culture of the Renaissance. Moscow, 2008.
In memory of Victor Golovin. 1954–2007 ...
... practice today. The theme of the fragmented or damaged piece of art, of the lost integrity comes up more and more intensively as a core compositional idea in both fine and applied arts in works of national ...