Sergey Klimenko, Yulia Klimenko, Dmitry Karelin
Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Russia
The paper analyses the experience of scientific 3D-reconstructions made at the Moscow ...
... reconstruction. The best architects were involved in this work. The project of reconstruction of the prospect was a certain “watershed” as it completed “the symbolic era of the Middle Ages — Stalinism” ...
... residential and civil construction is one of the key matters in infiltration of the master’s creative heritage in the architectural language of the Enlightenment. The search for a new type of organization ...
Title of the article
The Problem of Greek, Roman and Oriental Architectural Tradition Penetration into Classical Order Constructions in Asia Minor of Hellenistic and ...
... at Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation). The Role of Labelling in the “Socialist Reconstruction” of the Hermitage in 1928–1933
В исследованиях истории Эрмитажа реэкспозиция в годы культурной революции, ...
... State University, China). The Latest Sources on Modern Wooden Architecture in Northern Europe in the Light of the Problem of High-Rise Construction
Исследование современной деревянной архитектуры стран ...
ВАСИЛЬЕВА АННА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА (Научно-исследовательский институт теории и истории архитектуры и градостроительства, Российская Федерация). Архитектура жилых домов и формирование застройки Ленинграда в 1930-е ...
... National Attributes”: Construction of National Styles in Stalinist Architecture on the Example of Georgia
Проблематика складывания национальных стилей в советских республиках в 1930–1950 гг. чрезвычайно ...
... Russian Federation). Architectural Construction and the Attribution Issues of Russian Classicism Monuments
В совокупности признаков, определяющих архитектурную атрибуцию, немаловажную роль играют конструктивные ...
... Reconstruction of “Proto-Сuratorial” Conception
Празднование в 1913 году 300-летия царствования Дома Романовых можно назвать самым масштабным мероприятием начала XX века в Российской Империи. Праздник, ...
СЕМИНА МАРИЯ АЛЕКСАНДРОВНА (Государственный Эрмитаж, Российская Федерация) «Свое» и «чужое» в Новгородском зодчестве XVI в.
MARIA SIOMINA (The State Hermitage Museum, Russian Federation). “Own” and “Foreign” ...
... in 1749 in Verona with the Filarmonico-Theatre, which shortly before had been perfectly completed by Francesco Galli Bibiena. Arnaldi’s proposals for reconstructions of modern theatres on their turn very ...
... that his representational style dramatizes a complex interaction between historical construction and enunciation of political and religious authority. Joining sacred events to the political history of ...
... and criticize the monument reconstructions from the 19th century to the present day. Problems or inadequacies in the publication came into light and lead us to propose a new virtual reconstruction (still ...
... University, Russian Federation). “They Rejoice the War like a Feast.” The Image Construction in the Greek Parade Armor of the 4th Century BC.
Классическому и эллинистическому парадному вооружению посвящены ...
... to the Stanislavsky System
Tatiana Prudnikova. Reconstruction of I. V. Stalin Avenue in Leningrad in the 1950–1955s as a Phenomenon of the Renaissance Culture
Liudmila Titova. Manufactory as a Public ...
... Competition // Architectural Conservation and Restoration in Norway and Russia. Taylor & Francis, 2018
Standard construction in mid-18th century: K. Wiinblad’s book // Academic proceedings, 2012. №23 ...
... dedicated to A.I. Komech. Moscow, 2008
Cupola domes in Armenian and Georgian churches of the 7thcentury: features and ways of development // Academia. Architecture and construction. № 2. ...
Ph. D., docent
Born in Leningrad in 1937. In 1966 graduated from the Department of Art History at Leningrad State university, later completed a postgraduate ...