(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
Svetlana Babadzhan
State Institute of Art Studies, Moscow, Russia
Neoclassical style in Russian architecture of the 1910s is a multicompound and contradictory phenomenon. However, contemporaries ...
(2015 World Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Art)
... The emphasis will be made on Liberty-style architecture, which has so far been neglected, and on a special movement in fine art photography which exists in modern Italy and is fully devoted to this type ...
... with favorite old “styles” not only within a single district or a street, but also within the same building.
The architecture of Rostov-on-Don of this period is characterized by predominance of stylized ...
... but today it becomes interesting for scholars. Nevertheless, interaction between icon painting and the Art Nouveau style is still unexplored. This impedes attribution of many icons, a substantial number ...
... analysis of the temples in classicism style in the region has been carried out. Alongside with this, planning and composition properties of the memorials have been defined. The work is based on archives, ...
... early 1730s of the first baroque buildings and the early works of Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli in particular was only a part of a more complex process of the formation of the style at the time.
The ...
... one hand, portraits by this artist represented the quintessence of the national Spanish court portrait. On the other hand, his artworks gave impulse to the development of the common European Baroque style ...
... the style and manner of these images could be very different as they depended on the original imagе.
From the middle of the century a rapid improvement of icons’ pictorial qualities takes place, but ...
... as the consequent stages that could be described in connection with some general trends both in painting and in architecture. In this respect one should point to the works by G. Vagner (“Canon and Style ...
The theme of this paper is the influence of the doctrine of Hesychasm on the style of the late 14th century frescoes from the churches of the Dovmontov Gorod in Pskov. In these murals intensive light ...
... with plaster. However, the surviving fragments are enough to appreciate the highest quality of mosaics and their very picturesque style.
The stylistic similarities with the mosaics in Kariye Camii (1316–1321) ...
Svetlana Tarkhanova
Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning, Russia
The practice of the secondary use of the Graeco-Roman details is well known in plenty ...
Nadia Jijina
The State Hermitage Museum; Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
The problem of style development belongs to the mainstream of art research. Discussion on presuppositions ...
ВАНЬКОВИЧ СВЕТЛАНА МИХАЙЛОВНА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет промышленных технологий и дизайна, Российская Федерация). Стилистическая эволюция «русского национального» направления в дамском ...
... National Attributes”: Construction of National Styles in Stalinist Architecture on the Example of Georgia
Проблематика складывания национальных стилей в советских республиках в 1930–1950 гг. чрезвычайно ...
БЕМБЕЛЬ ИРИНА ОЛЕГОВНА (Научно-исследовательский институт теории и истории архитектуры и градостроительства, Российская Федерация). Опыт венской школы в контексте современных проблем архитектуроведения ...
ЛИНЬКОВА КСЕНИЯ ВЛАДИМИРОВНА (Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», Российская Федерация). Создавая образ Византии: Д.И. Гримм и изучение византийской архитектуры
ELENA LAVRENTYEVA (Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning, Russian Federation). Spolia Capitals of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher: Issues of Style and Dating
Целью ...
... changed his creative style, which was basically that of the official Socialist Realism, and reverted to the modernist style he acquired from professors of Tbilisi Academy and other Georgian artists, such ...