... University of Athens, Greece). Architecture and Sculpture of Ancient Tenea according to New Archaeological Finds
Tenea was an ancient town south of Corinth.
Until the end of last century, it was known ...
... located in the Gate Church of St. Nicolas and ending with the Assumption Cathedral.
In the process of devising and installation of exhibition “БЛАГОВЕСТNOW” of special interest was fitting modern sculptures ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
... sculptors of Soviet unofficial art and South Korean modern art. The main theme of their sculpture in the 60s was a man and his suffering in the world, which is frequent in the works of European artists, ...
(2015 World Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Art)
... to dissect them into fragments, and to bring them closer to symbolic state.
For Gormley, sculpture is not so much a physical object as a way of revealing the trace left in space by a human being. This ...
... issues of sculpture restoration to be published in Russia was “The Thesis on the Influence of Anatomy on Sculpture and Oil Painting” by I. I. Vien. It provides theoretic explanation of the necessity of using ...
... evolution of polychrome sculpture of the16th — or even — 17th centuries. The analysis of that object is very important for the correct understanding of phenomena in Spanish and Portuguese art of the 15th–16th centuries. ...
Krassimira Loukitcheva
Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia
This paper analyses images of the Last Judgment in Gothic monumental sculpture of the 13th century in different regions ...
Valeria Van der Westhuizen
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Sculpture has always been оne of the most popular types of art in Sub-Saharan Africa. Bronzes were of great importance ...
ПОДОЛЬСКАЯ КСЕНИЯ СЕРГЕЕВНА (Российский государственный педагогический университет имени А.И. Герцена). Системно-структурный анализ скульптурной композиции в энвайронмент-арте
МИТРОФАНОВА НАТАЛЬЯ ЮРЬЕВНА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет промышленных технологий и дизайна, Российская Федерация). Преодолевая границы. Текстильное искусство в современном мире
... Federation). The Primary Sources of Sculpture of Porcelain Factories of the Russian Empire. Discovery Stories
Создание этой статьи обусловлено потребностью поделиться с коллегами новыми открытиями в ...
... to the human eye but still existing on sculptures, MannInColours aims at a visual recovery that will revolutionize the aesthetic perception to which these works have accustomed people for centuries. Starting ...
... искусства.
классическая эстетика, современная теория искусства, скульптура, знак-иероглиф, Г.Э. Лессинг, В. Сидур, С.М. Эйзенштейн
classical aesthetics, contemporary art theory, sculpture, hieroglyphic ...
... ныне, отражает именно женскую составляющую, и чаще всего материнскую.
Монументальная скульптура, памятники, Вторая мировая война, Родина-Мать
Monumental sculpture, monuments, World War II, Motherland ...
... эпохи Камакура
ELIZAVETA VANEIAN (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation). “Living Images” versus “Secularization”: Alternative Interpretations of Japanese Sculpture of Kamakura Period ...
... BEZMATEROVA (Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov, Russian Federation). Vasily Kokorev Art Gallery in the Context of Museum Practice in Russia of the 19th Century
Крупный ...
... of the chapel is completed by a crèche with twenty-seven terracotta sculptures.
In the lower floor of the chapel there are: baby Jesus, The Holy Virgin, St. Joseph, the ox and the donkey and two Prophets: ...
ДОИГ АЛЛАН (Оксфордский Университет, Великобритания). Гордость и покаяние: памятник Алисе Чосер в историческом контексте
ALLAN DOIG (University of Oxford, United Kingdom). Pride and Penitence: The Alice ...