Tatyana Savitskaya
Radishchev Art Museum in Saratov, Russia
Modern science addresses the works of decorative and fine arts not only as objects of culture, but also as carriers of historical ...
... An exploration of the artistic narrative and stylistic features of the Church of Sant’Ignazio and its decorative programme will reveal the explosive energy being released in the theological, political ...
Vasilii Matveev
The State Hermitage Museum, Russia
Omphalion is a specially marked place in central part of the temple. It originated from omphalos, the sacred stone at Delphi, which was considered ...
... Byzantine Empire under the Palaeologan dynasty, can be also attested in Venetian Crete. The small church of the Panagia in the village of Sklavopoula, diocese of Selino, western Crete, is decorated with ...
Oyuna Galdanova
Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia
There are many publications about the iconography of images from Scythian scabbards and gorytoi. B. V. Farmakovsky, G. Richter, ...
Maria Mitina
Saint Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions; The State Hermitage Museum, Russia
The interpretation of the decoration of Neolithic-Chalcolithic figurines is still ...
ФРАНЖУЛО ВАЛЕРИЯ АНДРЕЕВНА (Львовская национальная академия искусств, Украина). Семантика крымско-татарского народного орнамента и его использование в современном дизайне интерьера
ВАНЬКОВИЧ СВЕТЛАНА МИХАЙЛОВНА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет промышленных технологий и дизайна, Российская Федерация). Стилистическая эволюция «русского национального» направления в дамском ...
... (independent researcher, Russian Federation). The Decorative-Monumental Murals in Constructivist and Functionalist Architecture: Examples, Losses, Recreation
На основании редчайших сохранившихся примерах ...
... художника-монументалиста
ALEKSANDRA ANTONOVA (Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation). Monumental and Decorative Works of 1960–80s. Formal and Actual Freedom of the Soviet Artist
Деятельность ...
... the following decades in Germany, in the USA numerous works were used to decorate the offices of the U.S. Army and single artists received recognition for their work. The artworks had been confiscated ...
ЗАГИРОВА ГУЗЕЛЬ ИЛЬДАРОВНА (Государственный институт искусствознания Министерства культуры РФ, Российская Федерация). Изображение лотоса в стуковом декоре Средней Азии периода раннего ислама
... The Plinth Laid Crosses in the Church’ Décor of Premongolic Rus
Одной из форм керамопластического декора фасадов древнерусских храмов были плинфяные выкладные кресты. На данный момент известны 11 памятников ...
... the city, and then developing a visually-driven narrative on large-scale canvases decorating the albergo of San Giovanni Evangelista, Bellini presented what one might call an “Image-Paradigm” of Venice ...
... to date these paintings at the beginning of the 16th century because they are stylistic close to the manner of Cristoforo Scacco, a painter well known in Southern Latium at the very same time.
The decoration ...
... MS 229) and “Speculum doctrinale” (Openbare Bibliotheek, MS 251), the lavishly decorated “Romance of Alexander” (Bodleian Library, MS Bodl. 264) and “Les Voeux du Paon” (Pierpont Morgan Library, MS Glazier ...
... (The Institute of Archaeology of Crimea, Russian Federation). Art and Archaeological Realities of Carved Decor from Marl in the Architecture of Medieval Crimea
Традиционно считается, что каменный декор ...
... with black and white pieces allowed to realize decorative programs of various kinds.
In the environments of vast surfaces mainly mythological themes, fantasy, with plenty of animals, gods and sea monsters, ...
... NENAKHOVA (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation). The Clazomenae Sarcophagus from the British Museum: Semantic Aspects of the Décor and Form
В Британском музее хранится терракотовый, ...