Tatiana Shlykova
The Association of Art Critics, Russia
The turn to philosophical categories of part and whole is one of the most characteristic features both of art history research and artistic ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
Angelina Lucento
The National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
The well-known Hungarian artist Bela Uitz arrived in Moscow for the first time in 1921. At the time, he was ...
Oksana Dubitskaya
The Association of Art Critics, Russia
The crisis of the 80s of the 19th century in painting meant something more than just figuring out which of the artists were in the ...
БИРЮКОВА МАРИНА ВАЛЕРЬЕВНА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Российская Федерация). Идея музея в институциональной теории и кураторских проектах
MARINA BIRYUKOVA (Saint Petersburg State ...
ВЕНКОВА АЛИНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА (Российский государственный педагогический университет имени А.И. Герцена, Российская Федерация). Арт-медиация: педагогический импульс
ALINA VENKOVA (Herzen State Pedagogical ...
... опыта в партиципаторных музейных практиках
EVGENIYA KISELEVA (The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Russian Federation). From Haptic Vision to Touch-Aesthetics. On the Visual and Tactile Experiences ...
ТИМОФЕЕВА РИММА АЛЕКСАНДРОВНА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет промышленных технологий и дизайна, Российская Федерация), КАЛИСТРАТОВ АЛЕКСЕЙ ВАЛЕРЬЕВИЧ (независимый исследователь, Российская ...
... среды
GALINA PTICHNIKOVA (Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning, Russian Federation). Toward a New Urban Aesthetics: Media Architecture as Part of the Visual Environment ...
... искусства.
классическая эстетика, современная теория искусства, скульптура, знак-иероглиф, Г.Э. Лессинг, В. Сидур, С.М. Эйзенштейн
classical aesthetics, contemporary art theory, sculpture, hieroglyphic ...
... (failure) distance from prevailing standards of beauty. In fact, artistic theory and practice both aim at articulating beauty and ugliness, two notions which ancient philosophy and aesthetics had opposed ...
... Parallels
Tatiana Shlykova. Aesthetics of Part and Whole in Creative Process and Conservation Practice
Sergey Klimenko, Julia Klimenko, Dmitry Karelin. Scientific 3D-Reconstructions of the Architectural ...
... 3. St. Petersburg, 2005
Contemporary art and aesthetics of neo-conservatism. London school // St. Petersburg State university bulletin, 2005
Western art of the 20thcentury, ...
... its functions. A number of articles in the American Journal of Aesthetics and Art Critics raise other questions: what is a true title? How to qualify a title? What is the role of the author? What happens ...
... for experimental aesthetics “Prometheus” in Kazan was probably the only center in the USSR and post-soviet Russia that was simultaneously engaged into theory, history and practice of “visual music”.
The ...
(2015 World Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Art)
... of every person, free language, which is far from the accepted classical aesthetics. After all, it was only through the development and authoritarianism of Western culture and of its mechanisms of production ...
(2015 World Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Art)
... frozen in their archaic forms, and in terms of advanced civilised Europe pertained only to the people who stayed at the primitive level of development. The way to integrate foreign aesthetics in the European ...
(2015 World Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Art)
... The aim of this paper is to discuss how Greenberg’s method as an art critic was built as a synthesis of Cubist aesthetics, understood by him as the aesthetics of flatness. While the Impressionists cared ...
... aspect ekphrasis, as an aesthetic phenomenon, related to the category of beauty and included in the literary text as a literary reception, seems the urgent problem of modern aesthetics.
The object of this ...
Viktoria Dremova
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
The continuous development of art and the evolution of aesthetics in Spain of the 15th century induce increasing interest of the ...
... University Press, 2011. XIII+179 p. (Greece and Rome. New Surveys in the Classics).
Tatarkevich V. Antique aesthetics. Ermilova A.P. transl. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1977. 328 p. (in Russian). ...