Sergey Klimenko
Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Russia
In the development of Russian architecture of the post-Petrine era the reign of Empress Anna Ivanovna, covering the 1730s, ...
... (труды А.Л. Баталова).
древнерусская архитектура конца XV – первой трети XVI века, шатровый храм, А.И. Некрасов, формальный метод, готическая архитектура, теория стиля
Russian architecture of the late ...
ГРИГОРЬЕВА ОЛЬГА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА (Институт истории материальной культуры РАН, Российская Федерация). Поездки Академии истории материальной культуры по изучению, реставрации и охране памятников архитектуры ...
ЁЛШИН ДЕНИС ДМИТРИЕВИЧ (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Российская Федерация). «Трапезница» Киево-Печерского монастыря и одностолпные залы в древнерусской гражданской архитектуре домонгольского ...
... expedition for the 1styear art history students.
Research interests
History of Russian architecture of the 11–16thcenturies.
Ancient and Medieval Russian art
Medieval ...
... Petersburg State university and Lomonosov State university, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2012
Medieval Serbian and Russian Architecture: parallels Author: S. Maltseva. XXII International congress ...
... architect V. A. Kosyakov, is a unique example of Byzantine style in Russian architecture. Ecclesiastical architecture of 6th-century Constantinople as though came alive in early 20th century St. Petersburg. ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
Svetlana Babadzhan
State Institute of Art Studies, Moscow, Russia
Neoclassical style in Russian architecture of the 1910s is a multicompound and contradictory phenomenon. However, contemporaries ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
... cottage houses. In addition to well-appointed public spaces there was necessary infrastructure. Architects’ specialization on the neoclassical and neo-Russian architecture brought a “national” — sense ...
... accurate account of temples in classicism style not only within the region but also in the history of the Russian architecture on the whole.
The interrelationship between the capital and provinces was ...
... were called “Halls of Louis XVI”. Numerous reproductions of examples of French neoclassicism in Russian architecture were accompanied by duplication of the construction of round salons. The report discusses ...
... in Old Russian Art”) and by A. Nekrasov (“Essays on History of Old Russian Architecture of the 11th–17th Centuries”).
Undoubtedly the closest contacts with the Western artistic tradition especially ...
... at St. Petersburg, Russia) ‘Russian Palladio’: a Mechanism of Adoption of Classics in the 20th Century Russian Architecture
1.1.20. Anatolii V. Rykov (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) Classical ...