bannner 2024 en

Dear friends and colleagues,

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University, and the State Hermitage Museum invite you to take part in the 10th International Academic Conference

Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art

Moscow, October 4 – 6, 2022.


Applications will be accepted starting April 1st through June 1st, 2022.

The conference will be held in online format

Languages used: Russian, English

The conference "Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art" is an international academic forum held every two years in Moscow and St. Petersburg alternately by Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. The State Hermitage Museum is a permanent partner of the conference.

The conference discusses a wide range of issues of theory and history of fine arts and architecture, preservation and interpretation of Russian and world cultural heritage, interaction between the academic art history and the museum practice. The forum is interdisciplinary in nature, as the chronological range of the discussed topics covers all periods - from the prehistoric era to the present. We welcome art historians, cultural study specialists, archaeologists, conservators, museum curators, and other scholars, whose work is directly related to the study of architecture, fine and applied arts.

Applications are accepted in the following major areas:

  • Ancient art
  • Byzantine art, medieval Balkans and the Christian East
  • European art of the Middle Ages
  • Old Russian art
  • Renaissance art
  • European art of the modern time
  • Russian art of the 18th – 19th centuries
  • Art of the 20th century and contemporary art
  • Theory of art
  • Interdisciplinary methods in cultural heritage studies

Applications for participation in the conference will be accepted starting April 1st until June 1st, 2022, only through the official website of the conference at To submit an application, you have to open a personal account on our website, fill out an electronic application form, and submit the abstract of your paper (up to 2,000 to 3,500 characters including spaces). The abstracts are to be submitted only in the language in which your paper is intended.

The abstracts will be used in the selection process, publication is not provided.

Preferences will be given to those applicants whose works present most convincingly the results of recent research, make a significant contribution to the issues discussed, and allow the formation of interesting semantic blocks within the planned sections.

Information about the acceptance or rejection of applications will be available to the participants through their personal accounts on our website after June 30, 2022. Notification by e-mail will not be provided. The reasons for rejecting applications are not commented on.

We are planning to publish a selection of articles in 2023 and 2024 in the two-volume issue of "Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art" (indexed by the international database SCOPUS and the Russian RSCI database).

Dear Friends,

We announce the call for articles to be published in the "Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art" (vol. 11 - 2021, vol. 12 - 2022). Your texts are welcome through February 1, 2021, via Papers should be up to 40.000 symbols (with spaces), including notes, bibliographical lists, summaries and all accompanying materials. Guidelines for authors are available here

Wishing you inspiration and loking forward to your texts!

We regret to let you know that Tatiana Il’ina honorary professor of Saint-Petersburg State University died on 26th of October at the age of 86. Tatiana Il’ina was the leader of Saint-Petersburg University school of art history, a renowned scholar who made an outstanding contribution to the studies of 18th-century Russian art, a wonderful teacher who brought up several generations of researchers, the author of numerous art history textbooks loved by the students, the former head of the Department of Art History. Tatiana Il’ina graduated from Leningrad State University in 1956. After defending PhD on medieval Russian art (“Decoration of Medieval Russian Books. 12th-15th centuries. Novgorod and Pskov”) she embarked on a study of Russian art of the 18th century — an epoch which was then commonly disregarded. In her postdoctoral research project she examined biography and art of mid-18th-century Russia artist Ivan Vishniakov. Consistently applying traditional method of scrupulous archival research, she pioneered technological expertise combining it with in-depth research of stylistics and iconography, thus opening up entirely new perspectives. These methods demanding extraordinary discipline of scientific thinking did not supplant in her monographs sensitive highly emotional approach to art. That is why her lectures were admired not only by students of Art History Department, but also by people of artistic professions. More than half a century she was a lecturer in Saint-Petersburg Conservatory of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Tati’ana Il’ina was in charge of the History of Art Department at the Institute of History of Saint-Petersburg State University for 15 years. She surrounded her students with loving care and will forever remain for them a shining example. 

The Conference IX is held October 26–31, 2020 in Saint Petersburg, with the State Hermitage Museum as partner museum.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be held on schedule in both live and online formats. Foreign participants are kindly invited to present their reports in online format.The connection to the online broadcast will be provided by the St. Petersburg State University, and the links to the meetings will be provided one day in advance.

The schedule is based on Moscow time.

Dear colleagues, we ask you to pay attention to the fact that in many countries on October 25, the transition to winter time is carried out. Please note the difference in time zones!