Образ Иерусалима, Антверпен, маньеризм, Вавилонская башня, Иоахим Патинир, Херри мет де Блес, Ян Госсарт, Абель Гриммер
The Image of Jerusalem, Antwerp, Mannerism, the Tower of Babel, Joachim Patinir, ...
МЕДЕННИКОВА АЛЕКСАНДРА ЕВГЕНЬЕВНА (Папский Институт Христианской Археологии, Рим, Италия), КАРЕЛИН ДМИТРИЙ АЛЕКСЕЕВИЧ (Московский архитектурный институт (Государственная академия), Российская Федерация). ...
Evgeny Danilov
P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia
The thirteenth-century Chartres cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. It is known primarily for its towers, stained-glass ...
... city through demolition of significant historical buildings, such as Kitay-Gorod Wall, Krasnye and Triumphalnye Gates, Sukharev Tower, numerous chambers and churches according to engineer Shestakov’s ...
... are evident in them. Temples with three-part structure where octagon starts to be ousted by a rotunda and churches with two bell towers are rare.
The analysis of the religious architecture memorials ...
... We propose to pay attention to some interpretation features of this insufficiently studied detail of religious paintings.
Garland is often towered above the image of Madonna and Christ, especially honored ...
... аlla moderna”) was born. The event predestined the development of the fortification no less than for two centuries. At that time thick city walls and tall towers were replaced by thin curtinas and low ...
... in chapels on the lower storey in the so-called Georgievskaja and Dozornaja towers and Consular fortress. Fragments of fresco paintings were discovered in a temple on the area of Barbakan, in chapels on the ...