Elena Ovsyannikova
Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Russia
A personal diary of an architect and restorer N. D. Vinogradov (1885–1980) appears very actual today. He carefully kept a daily diary starting from the revolution of 1905. Vinogradov witnessed most important events being in contact with major cultural actors of the epoch — architects, artists, culture managers and bureaucrats. Now his diary is especially precious as a precise historical document of the first Soviet initiatives in Moscow, such as Lenin’s Plan of Monumental Propaganda (curated by Vinogradov), activities of Heritage Preservation agencies, major restoration projects and demolitions.
The most interesting subject is an opposition between professionals and bureaucrats, which resulted in the “renewal” of the city through demolition of significant historical buildings, such as Kitay-Gorod Wall, Krasnye and Triumphalnye Gates, Sukharev Tower, numerous chambers and churches according to engineer Shestakov’s masterplan. Vinogradov’s diary reflected controversial process of Moscow reconstruction and showed a gradual rejection of participatory decisions in favour of autocratic and unprofessional.