... similarity in style with miniatures of Upper German workshops in South Germany of the first quarter of the 15th century. Both the historical context of the creation of the manuscript during the third anti-Hussite ...
... tract by Alan of Lille (De sex alis) are written in. The emergence and development of this iconography can be traced through several manuscripts. By the detailed analysis of each of the miniatures, we sought ...
... to Byzantium and Rus’. We examine the miniatures from the unique Byzantine illuminated chronicle — Codex Matritensis Ioannis Skyllitzes, 12th century, and a number of Slavic illuminated manuscripts, in which ...
... (Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation). The Easelism of Russian Lacquer Miniatures in the Focus of Art Criticism of the Soviet Era
Советское искусствознание относило русские народные ...
... National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation). Studying Indian Miniatures in Russia: History and Prospects
Индийская миниатюра – явление довольно многообразное, охватывающее ...
СОБОЛЕВА МАРГАРИТА ЕВГЕНЬЕВНА (Филиал «Ризница Троице-Сергиевой Лавры» Сергиево Посадский государственный историко-художественный музей заповедник, Российская Федерация). К вопросу о лицевых рукописях ...
... at the Department of History of Byzantine Art, State Institute of Art Studies. In 2003 finished her PhD "Miniatures in Emperors' menologions and Byzantine art of the end of the 10th – first half ...
... icons) has significantly increased the number of monuments of this period.
At the beginning of the century, icons in Tuscany were often copies of imported art, such as small relief images and miniatures. ...
Vera Podkovyrova
The Library of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia
Iconography of several cycles of miniatures in Russian Apocalypse manuscripts, formed by the end of the 16th century, ...
... calligraphic style.
The miniatures, mostly in binary form, are placed on the margins astride the text. They depict the critical points including individual events or persons. The pictures are inserted ...
... unknown aspects of the art of Momik that should be studied in order to get a more complete picture of the artistic heritage of Momik and of the 14th century Armenian art in general. Research in the miniatures ...
... on Russian Architecture of the First Third of the 16th Century
4.1.7. Nina V. Kvlividze (Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia) Cycle of Miniatures of “Alexandria” as a Part of the Illustrated ...