Unknown fragments of a German illuminated manuscript, which were found on Kneiphof island in 1950 and rediscovered in January 2015, were introduced and analysed as an object of art history. This paper is devoted to their attribution as sister leaves of the Bavarian translation of Speculum humanae salvationis (Spiegel menschlicher Behältnis or Mirror of Human Salvation), which had been lost from Königsberg City Library during WWII (Königsberg, Stadtbibl., Cod. S 18.2° Bl. 1ra-68vb). The paper studies their art programme and their similarity in style with miniatures of Upper German workshops in South Germany of the first quarter of the 15th century. Both the historical context of the creation of the manuscript during the third anti-Hussite crusade, and the subsequent existence of the artwork in later centuries were discussed.