Evgeny Danilov
P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia
The thirteenth-century Chartres cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. It is known primarily for its towers, stained-glass ...
Sofia Yusim
Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts, Russia
The article examines major milestones of formation of iconography of The Last Supper (from early Christian catacombs to the 20th century) ...
Iuliia Chezhina
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
The 18th century in Russian art may be called the epoch of portrait-painting. This very genre marked by strong interest in personality ...
... of France, Germany, Spain and England, with the aim to:
• Identify common and specific features of the development of narrative and iconographic programmes;
• Study how the historical and sociocultural ...
Jana Michalcakova
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic
The paper is dedicated to the relics of the head of St. Anastasius of Persia, housed, according ...
... regions like in the Russian North and the Perm land he acquired different functions inherent in the Russian traditions.
This report examines the main iconographic types of St. Christopher and especially ...
... Passion of Christ — figures of worshipping angels with Instruments of the Passion. This iconographic variant was actualized in the Italo-Cretan tradition of the 15th century, primarily in the works of Andreas ...
Polina Maier
The University of Wurzburg, Germany
This paper explores the problem of the iconographical borrowings in the late Russian icon painting. The study intends to reveal the sources ...
... iconography of particular scenes generally following Byzantine models is rather unconventional, as many details do not conform to orthodox Biblical narrative and have no parallels in Christian art of that ...
... Peribleptos, reflected in the research literature, is contradictory. There is no detailed and comprehensive analysis of these artworks. The term “Peribleptos” is often used as an iconographic type, not ...
... of Constantinopolitan masters. Some iconographical details of the mosaics reveal close connections with Constantinople (a form of the Pantocrator’s left hand (in the dome), the Holy Vernicle, etc.).
At ...
Valeria Kuvatova
Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia
This study attempts to examine the distinguishing iconographic features of the painting ensemble of the so-called Exodus ...
... Roman and Christian emperors are often depicted with the raised right hand well into the Middle Ages. The place of this gesture in Christian iconography is well-documented; it became a predominant gesture ...
Oyuna Galdanova
Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia
There are many publications about the iconography of images from Scythian scabbards and gorytoi. B. V. Farmakovsky, G. Richter, ...
ВЕЛАСКЕС САБОГАЛЬ ПОЛЬ МАРСЕЛО (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Российская Федерация). Блуждающее изображение: Жюль-Феликс Гранжуан и аргентинский анархизм начала ХХ века
... of Sciences, Russian Federation). The Aureole of Light in the Iconography of Buddha
Представление о сиянии, которое при определенных условиях способно исходить от головы (или всего тела) великого человека ...
... the Virgin” in the Wall-Painting of the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery Cathedral 1649–1650: The Role in the Programme and Features of Iconography
В состав существующей росписи Рождественского собора ...
... (1503-1572) and the polygraph, philosopher and iconographer, Benedetto Varchi (1503-1565).
As Varchi and Bronzino’s dialogue can’t be limited to the well-known participation of Bronzino in Varchi’s anthology ...
НАЗАРОВА ОЛЬГА АЛЕКСЕЕВНА, ГАЙНУЛЛИНА РЕГИНА РАВИЛЬЕВНА (Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», Российская Федерация). О смысле и назначении картины Париса Бордоне «Явление ...
... (State Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno”, Russian Federation). “Madonnas” in the Art of Sassetta: Some Specific Features of Iconography
Стефано ди Джованни да Кортона (Cассетта), будучи представителем сиенской ...