(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
... others were based on the Italian Renaissance, especially on its late phase.
In the early 20th century monumental painting in Russia, in general, and monumental neoclassical art movement, in particular, ...
... Frescoes at the Ferapontov Convent in the Early 20th Century
Доклад посвящён малоизученной теме возрождения древних русских монастырей Северной Фиваиды в начале ХХ столетия. Большинство данных обителей ...
... VELÁSQUEZ SABOGAL (Saint Petersburg State University, Russian Federation). The Wandering Image: Jules-Félix Grandjouan and Argentine Anarchism in the Early 20th Century
Проблема иконографической миграции ...
... travelers between the late 19th and early 20th century and stood as little more than a makeshift shelter in the 1920s and 1940s. Between the 1950s and 1990s there’s an attempt to recover local identity ...
... and theory of art, Russian and Western European art of the late 19th– early 20th century, Symbolism, art nouveau, fin de siècle, Silver Age, Modernism, problems of studying artistic movements, historiography, ...
... The Renaissance was also associated with physical and spiritual harmony, which appeared to be disturbed by the early 20th century. Recreating this harmony based on the archetype of cultural and statutory ...
... architect V. A. Kosyakov, is a unique example of Byzantine style in Russian architecture. Ecclesiastical architecture of 6th-century Constantinople as though came alive in early 20th century St. Petersburg. ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
... context of the time of crisis in the early 20th century. Besides, within the framework of theoretical and epistolary heritage of Siberian artists, painting fully reflects ideas and views of the artists ...
(2015 World Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Art)
... formed inside it with imaginative models of classic eras. The situation changed in the early 20th century, when the Europeans discovered a layer of cultural formations that had previously seemed primitive, ...
... modern and classical architecture appears in the architecture of Rostov-on-Don in early 20th century:
• buildings with functional space-planning, which corresponds to a rational trend, and architectural ...
... mansion at No 9, Povarskaya, in general, relates to the late 19th — early 20th century. This period is associated with the ambitious restructuring of the old-Moscow estate of the early 19th century, as well ...
... Gierymski, the inspiration with Titian (in The Italian siesta) led to a new color structure of the painting, with an analogy to Impressionism. In the early 20th century, the work of classicizing artists ...
... materials of the third quarter of the Ist millennium AD. For a long time Martynovsky treasure found in the Middle Dnieper in the early 20th century was unique in this respect. Famous “Martynovka men” and ...
Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art: Collection of articles. Vol. 4. / Ed. S.V. Maltseva, A.V. Zakharova. — St. Petersburg: NP-Print, 2014. — 662 р.
Editorial board: Sergey Karpov ...
... Architectural Structures of St. Petersburg in the 18th — Early 20th Century
2.5.15. Liubov’ A. Slavova (State Russian Museum, Russia) Classical Tradition in Leningrad–Petersburg. Collection of Sculpture ...
... and cultural studies devoted to the ancient part of the culture and art of Byzantium, European and Russian Middle Ages, art of the 17th-18th and 19th - early 20th century. Completeness of the current knowledge ...