Darya Naydenova
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Saint Christopher was considered in the West as one of the most popular saints, being included in the group of “the Fourteen Holy ...
... of the Ancient World - 1
Art of the Ancient World - 2-3
Art of the Ancient World - 4
St.Petersburg University
European Art of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - 1
Renaissance ...
... in the following major areas:
Ancient art
Byzantine art, medieval Balkans and the Christian East
European art of the Middle Ages
Old Russian art
Renaissance art
European art of the modern ...
Plenary session; Art of the Ancient World - 1
Art of the Ancient World - 2-3
Art of the Ancient World - 4
St.Petersburg University
European Art of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance ...
... are accepted in the following major areas:
Ancient art
Byzantine art, medieval Balkans and the Christian East
European art of the Middle Ages
Old Russian art
Renaissance art
European art ...
... fine and applied arts.
Applications are accepted in the following major areas:
Ancient art
Byzantine art, medieval Balkans and the Christian East
European art of the Middle Ages
Old Russian ...
... art, medieval Balkans and the Christian East
European art of the Middle Ages
Old Russian art
Renaissance art
European art of the modern time
Russian art of the 18th – 19th centuries
Art of ...
... from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century», вышла только в 1947 году. Задержка в публикации книги привела к катастрофическим последствиям, т.к. из-за бомбежек в Мадриде и Лондоне работы автора сохранились ...
ЛАВРЕНТЬЕВА ЕЛЕНА СЕРГЕЕВНА (Научно-исследовательский институт теории и истории архитектуры и градостроительства, Российская Федерация). Капители-сполии Храма Гроба Господня: вопросы стиля и датировки ...
КРАСНОВА ЕЛИЗАВЕТА СЕРГЕЕВНА (Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Российская Федерация). Северные резные иконы Чуда Георгия о змие рубежа XVI–XVII веков
ANNA PODKAMENNAYA (Church-Archaeological Cabinet Museum, Russian Federation). Trinity Cycles of Being in Russian Art of the Late Middle Ages: Genesis and Originality
Вся совокупность памятников, посвященных ...
... взглянуть на проблему сосуществования готики и ренессанса глазами современника.
Средние века, Поздняя готика, Ренессанс, архитектура Испании, Алонсо де Вандельвира
Middle Ages, Late Gothic, Renaissance, ...
... of 2020 focuses on the contemporary perception of historiography and art studies.
The thematic bloc of the International conference “Art and Culture of the Middle Ages: Heritage and Perspectives of Comprehension” ...
Program of the conference (PDF)
The thematic bloc “Art and Culture of the Middle Ages: Heritage and Perspectives of Comprehension” was funded by RFBR, project number 20-012-22040
26 October ...
... in the art of the Ancient world, Byzantium, Old Rus’, Eastern Christian and Western Middle Ages, Renaissance, oriental art, as well as reviews.
The edition is addressed to art historians, historians, ...
... St. Petersburg on October 11-15, 2016. The articles in Russian and in English present the results of research in the art of the Ancient World, Byzantium, Old Rus’, Western Europe of the Middle Ages and ...
... during the Middle Ages // Muqarnas. An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World. Vol. 18. Leiden, Brill, 2001.
La «Sala con cuґpola» de la iglesia Armenia de Arutch (s. VII) y sus ...
... V. Grashchenkov. In 2008 he completed his second PhD “Image of Roman Renaissance villas: iconology and rhetoric ”.
Research interests
European antiquity and art after the Middle Ages, especially ...
PhD, Professor, member of Russian Academy of Science, Head of the department of History of Middle Ages at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Academic supervisor at the Laboratory for the Study of Byzantium ...