PhD, Professor, member of Russian Academy of Science, Head of the department of History of Middle Ages at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Academic supervisor at the Laboratory for the Study of Byzantium and the Black Sea Region at MSU. Dean of the Faculty of History at MSU.
Member of Academic Councils at MSU and at SPbSU Faculty of History, member of the Bureau of the department of History and Philology at Russian Academy of Science, the Head of National Committee of Byzantinists of Russian Federation, president of the Association of Medievalists and Historians of Early Modern times, etc. The Head of expert board at Makarievsky fund of Russian Orthodox Church, at Russian Academy of Science and Moscow Government. Editor of “Proceedings of the Faculty of History, MSU”, “Byzantine annals” compendium, “Black Sea Region in Middle Ages”, “History of Middle Ages” textbook for higher education, the Head of editor board for “Library of Middle Ages” (“Aleteya” publishing), member of editor board for “Middle Ages”, “Byzantine library” (“Aleteya” publishing), MSU “Calendar”, “World of History”, “The Free Thought”, Mesogeios (Paris), Bizantinistica (Bologna-Ravenna), Il Mar Nero (Rome-Paris) etc.
Active member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, active member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences of Russian Federation. Member of Genova Academy of Science, member of Alessandria Academy of Science (Italy), member of the Leibniz academic society (Berlin, Germany), correspondent member of Venice deputy of Russian history (Italy). State award (1996), Lomonosov award (1992).
Academic interest: Italy, Byzantine and the Black Sea Region in the Middle Ages, mediaeval archaeography and diplomacy, economic history of the Black Sea Region in the 13-15 centuries.
Phone: +7(495) 939-35-51
Fax: +7(495) 939-23-90.
More than 380 publications. Monographies:
Trebizond Empire and states of Western Europe in the 13-15 centuries. Moscow: MSU, 1981.231 P.
L' impero di Trebisonda, Venezia, Genova e Roma, 1204-1461. Rapporti politici, diplomatici e commerciali. Roma, 1986.321 P.
Italian maritime republics and South of the Black Sea Region in the 13-15 centuries: trade problems. Moscow: MSU, 1990. 20,2 a. l.
Following the medieval mariners: Venetian republic’s sailing in the Black Sea in the 13-15 centuries. Moscow, 1994. 158 P.
Latin Romania. St. Petersburg, 2000. 254 P.
La Navigazione Veneziana nel Mar Nero XIII-XV sec. Ravenna, 2000. 207 Р.
Medieval Pont. Lewinston-Queenston-Lamperter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2001. IX+461 Р. (Russian research on world history and culture, vol. 15).
History of the Trebizond Empire. St. Petersburg.: Aleteya, 2007. 624 P.