... and god Dionysus from Timacus Minus or statuary relief of goddess Epona). Through the comparison of the description of the art works from existing historic records and established views from art studies, ...
... studying a relief with Dionysus held by a Satyr which has been walled in the main church of Chiliomodi, the modern village above ancient Tenea, and is said to come from the theater.
These finds allow ...
КОРЗУН АРИНА (Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Российская Федерация). Дионисийские сюжеты рельефов театра в Нисе: феномен в контексте эпохи и локальной среды
... and were connected with the cult of Dionysus. In the Late Antique and Early Christian periods similar scenes were often depicted on the pavement and wall mosaics of Rome and East Roman provinces, as well ...