Lilia Kabanova
Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
The subject of Russian avant-garde is one of the most unexamined today, both as far as terminology and cultural- historical identity are ...
(2020 Interdisciplinary Methods in the Research on Cultural Heritage)
... с использованием разработанного автором почеркового симптомокомплекса личностной самооценки.
анализ автографа, личность художника, личностная самооценка, почерковедение
analysis of autograph, identity ...
... travelers between the late 19th and early 20th century and stood as little more than a makeshift shelter in the 1920s and 1940s. Between the 1950s and 1990s there’s an attempt to recover local identity ...
ГАЛЕЕВА ТАМАРА АЛЕКСАНДРОВНА (Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина, Российская Федерация). «Американа» русского художника: Сергей Судейкин в США в 1920–1940-е ...
... Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation). The Problem of Identity of the 18th-Century Russian Art in the Works of the First Half of the 20th Century
Определение места национальной художественной ...
... of Venetian image-making that complemented contemporaneous humanist discourse on Venice’s cultural identity and origins. Few quattrocento paintings make stronger claims to historical fidelity than large-scale ...
to form a Russian cultural identity, drawing the attention of society to the important role of art in general and collection in particular, and to continue the life-work of PavelTretyakov, introducing ...
Vitalii Vasilev
Interregional Institute of Economics and Law, Russia
In the current socio-political situation it is getting more and more urgent to establish the ideals of national identity, ...
... 21st century and functionalism of the international style have led to the loss of cultural national identity.
The environmental problem is multifaceted. The concept of project ecology, as defined by its ...
... to the voice of the divine Will;
• the identity of the sacrifice and plastic ways of a composition (lines, colors, spots, spaces), their specifics in the post-Soviet time;
• the image as a divine ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
... such as P. Jakubowski and O. Jankus, which reveals a peculiar artistic worldview, enables us to perceive the national identity of the artists, with a reliable understanding of historical and artistic context ...
(2015 World Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Art)
... identity. In this period Belgrade enrolled architects arriving from Russia, who followed local artistic demands oriented toward decorative but modern architectural form. Art Deco in Serbia was based on modernization ...
... portrait, as well as many artistic means, compositional devices, attributes, which were widely used in Western painting, was deeply spiritualized by the unique Russian identity when being adopted by Russian ...
... Art Nouveau and Symbolism.
The artist appears to be a “renaissance” identity in the paradigm of art of the late 19th — early 20th centuries. Hodler’s response to the challenges of the time: the study ...
... northern Renaissance portraits. An art historian should set aside neither the sitter’s identity nor the dating of attire and materials such as the support and pictorial layers. No matter how fragmental ...
... painter in the middle of the 16th century. The work in question was already noticed by the researchers of the Hilandar icon collection, but it was not published and studied adequately, so even the identity ...
... scene of king Shapur I or Ardashir I over some enemy. The present paper deals with the problem of the king’s identity. It criticizes the identification of the king on the relief as Ardashir I, proposed ...
... the materials of the collection of articles published online for free in read mode;
readers should be informed about the identity of authors of the published materials, their affiliation and contacts; ...