Alexandra Radushevskaya
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Russian icon painting of the modern era has not been researched for a long time because of historical and economic reasons, ...
КРАСНОВА ЕЛИЗАВЕТА СЕРГЕЕВНА (Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Российская Федерация). Северные резные иконы Чуда Георгия о змие рубежа XVI–XVII веков
... Лазаря, стиль позднепалеологовской живописи
Byzantine icon painting of the 14th century, icon of the late Palaiologan period, reflection of the ideas of hesychasm in art, individual manner of the artist, ...
... by N. S. Leskov
Anastasia Dolgova. Architect Pavel Alyoshin’s Artistic Method
Alexandra Radushevskaya. Russian Icon Painting at the Turn of the 20th Century and the Modern
Natalia Drobysheva. Artistic ...
... and religious meanings in Russian art: from icon painting to avant-garde”.
Research interests
Christian ontology and anthropology
Religious studies
Art ...
... for such poetics are theories of Vladimir Favorsky, Pavel Florensky, as well as Russian icon painting seen through the prism of their view. In the context of the epoch the theory of Alexey Parshkov could ...
... and thus avoid trouble.
The image of St. Christopher appeared in Russia only in the middle of the 16th century and became widespread in the monumental and icon painting. He was portrayed in a typical ...
Polina Maier
The University of Wurzburg, Germany
This paper explores the problem of the iconographical borrowings in the late Russian icon painting. The study intends to reveal the sources ...
... of one upon another in percent. For example, icon painting definitely possesses Greek features, whereas academic painting is totally Roman. Mozart, indeed, belongs to Greece, but Beethoven is a harder ...