СОБОЛЕВА МАРГАРИТА ЕВГЕНЬЕВНА (Филиал «Ризница Троице-Сергиевой Лавры» Сергиево Посадский государственный историко-художественный музей заповедник, Российская Федерация). К вопросу о лицевых рукописях ...
... National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation). Cycles of Church Paintings in the 7th – 9th Centuries according to Hagiography
Цель доклада – привлечь внимание к трем агиографическим ...
... relationship between the hagiography of St. Anastasius of Persia and the political theology from the time the legend appeared to the moment when it was used for political and ownership purposes of the ...
... chronicles, hagiography and hymnography.
With regard to many details, the Old Testament iconography of the south door cycle does not accord with the ‘official’ version of the Sacred history, reflecting ...