ИВАНОВСКАЯ ВЕРА ИГОРЕВНА Московский архитектурный институт (Государственная академия), Российская Федерация). Объемно-пространственные и художественно-стилистические особенности интерьера сельского храма ...
... Integrated Museum-Reserve, Russian Federation). Photographer I. F. Barshchevsky: A Look at Church Architecture
Творчеству фотографа И.Ф. Барщевского сейчас дано вполне четкое определение — «патриарх ...
... his second PhD “Church architecture in the Caucasian countries in the 7thcentury: tradition formation and development” in 2007.
Armen Kazaryan is a member of Union of architects in Armenia, International ...
... (1962–1965). We can see huge changes in history, culture and a man himself in that time. This concerns the religious art and the church architecture as well.
The theme of the paper is the liturgical ...
... of Renaissance church architecture. Such masters as Luigi Vanvitelli and again Alessandro Galilei turned to the centric building in their works, borrowing the majority of ideas from Michelangelo’s project ...
... folk. Studying church architecture helps to understand integrity and essence of difficult historical and social features of the Russian culture in which monuments of national architecture are unique and, ...
... cultural heritage given for the research “Church Architecture of the 7th Century in Transcaucasian Countries”, Category of entry: EU 2)
4.2.6. Anatolii V. Rykov (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) ...