КОРСО АНТОНИО (Университет Падуи, Италия). Когда и почему античное искусство стало анонимным
ANTONIO CORSO (University of Padua, Italy). When and Why Ancient Art Became Anonymous
Ancient Greek art ...
... in the following major areas:
Ancient art
Byzantine art, medieval Balkans and the Christian East
European art of the Middle Ages
Old Russian art
Renaissance art
European art of the modern ...
... fine and applied arts.
Applications are accepted in the following major areas:
Ancient art
Byzantine art, medieval Balkans and the Christian East
European art of the Middle Ages
Old Russian ...
... are accepted in the following major areas:
Ancient art
Byzantine art, medieval Balkans and the Christian East
European art of the Middle Ages
Old Russian art
Renaissance art
European art ...
... museum curators, and other scholars, whose work is directly related to the study of architecture, fine and applied arts.
Applications are accepted in the following major areas:
Ancient art
Byzantine ...
КУЛИШОВА ОКСАНА ВИКТОРОВНА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Российская Федерация). Дельфийский омфал в литературных описаниях и изобразительном искусстве античного мира: история изучения ...
Ancient Art
Maria Mitina. Anthropomorphic Figurines from TripolyeCucuteni: Features of Decoration and Its Interpretation
Renaissance Art
Viktoria Dremova. “The Sky of Salamanca”. Spain and ...
... need a special investigation. Such a study can be very useful in the interpretation of symbolic and iconographic features of the composition.
Scenes of “grape harvest” first appeared in ancient art ...
... the normal and habitual for them ancient models, to find and adopt the new symbolic forms immediately.
This report focuses on one special technical device, which the ancient artists used to create a spatial ...
... art from the Antiquity to Modern times. Besides the plenary other prospected sessions will cover the following fields: Ancient art, Eastern Christian Art, Old Russian art, Western Medieval art, Art of ...
... (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) The Tradition of the Ancient Artistic Thinking in the Images of the Gothic Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Chartres
3.3.2. Ol’ga E. Blinova (St. Petersburg University ...
... conference. The general theme of the conference 2014 is “Images of Classical Antiquity. Ancient Art and its Heritage in the World Culture”. Special attention of the plenary and the sessions will be paid ...
... basis of European culture, the studies of the ancient art history remain among the relevant and significant for the past two centuries. Recent decades have seen a surge of interest both in classical culture ...