... library; Church of Hellas; “Testimonio” publishing, Madrid) or "The Codex Sinaiticus Project" (The British library; Russian National library, Sacred Monastery of the God-Trodden Mount Sinai; ...
... Some of the monasteries are represented
as architectural ensembles (St. Catherine monastery, Sinai; Savvatiev Orshinskiy; Solovki and Alexandro-Svirskiy). They find parallels in the post-Byzantine painting ...
... Arts, 2007. 420 p.
Sinai. Vizantiia. Rus'. Pravoslavnoe iskusstvo s VI do nachala XX veka: katalog vystavki / pod red. O. Badlei, E. Briunner, Iu. Piatnitskogo. St.Petersburg, Gosudarstvennyi ...