ЕРЕМЕЕВА АННА АЛЕКСЕЕВНА (Государственный Эрмитаж, Российская Федерация). Studiensammlung «Античный лапидарий» в Реставрационно-хранительском центре «Старая Деревня» как пример современного подхода к экспонированию ...
Vladimir Kolosov
The State Hermitage Museum, Russia
The attribution of architectural fragments, which were found during the archaeological researches of antique monuments of the Northern Black ...
... Iu.V. Greeks and barbarians in the northern Black Sea coast (Basic methodological and theoretical aspects of the problem of inter-ethnic contacts).Vestnik drevnei istorii. 1996, no 1, pp. 3–17. (in Russian). ...
... the periphery of the ancient world, in particular in the colonies, such as the northern Black Sea littoral, and also its adaptation by the cultures of the Mediterranean, East, Central Asia became the significant ...