... of St. Sophia in Constantinople are the famous ekphraseis by Procopius of Caesaria, Paul the Silentiary (6th century), Michael of Thessaloniki (12th century) and the 9th century legendary Account on the ...
... Academy of Science, Russian Federation). The Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich’s Constantinople Barmy Revisited
В 1662 г. греческий купец Иван Юрьев Репета доставил в Москву бармы (диадиму), изготовленные в Константинополе ...
ЯКОВЛЕВА МАРИЯ ИГОРЕВНА (Центральный музей древнерусской культуры и искусства имени Андрея Рублёва, Российская Федерация). Миниатюрные мозаичные иконы «эмальерной» группы, их художественные особенности ...
... Константинополя, Северная Македония, церковь Елеусы в Велюсе, церковь Св. Пантелеймона в Нерези, церковь Св. Леонтия в Водоче
Northern Macedonia, Byzantine architecture, architecture of Constantinople, ...
... research methods
Byzantine painting of the 9-11th centuries: Constantinople and provinces
Byzantine painting of the Komnenos period. Constantinople and provinces
Problems ...
... Constantinople and national traditions. Moscow, 2005
New data on the Artsvaberd church. Research on tetra-conch churchs with corner niches // Byzantine and Medieval Russian art compendium ...
... architect V. A. Kosyakov, is a unique example of Byzantine style in Russian architecture. Ecclesiastical architecture of 6th-century Constantinople as though came alive in early 20th century St. Petersburg. ...
Olga Petrunina
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
This study analyzes the concept of Athens developed by German and Greek architects in the 1830s and its implementation as well as contemporary ...
... wall paintings which can be related to an elegant stylistic trend deriving from Constantinople and dated to around 1400.
The church in question, dedicated to the Virgin, is a single-nave building, measuring ...
... of Constantinopolitan masters. Some iconographical details of the mosaics reveal close connections with Constantinople (a form of the Pantocrator’s left hand (in the dome), the Holy Vernicle, etc.).
At ...
... created in Constantinople in 1059–1067. The two inscriptions form a brilliant dodecasyllabic verse, telling us the story of execution of the piece upon the order of a mistographos named John. This artwork ...
... of churches of the Late Antique period in Rome, Constantinople, Asia Minor and the Near East. Although it had its prehistory in the art of the Ancient world, it was mostly popular during the Early Byzantine ...