(2015 World Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Art)
Elena Kashchenko
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
“The Mill and the Cross”, a film directed by Lech Majewski, is dedicated to the episode from life of the great Dutch painter Pieter ...
... we should mention D. Freedberg, K. Jonckheere, L. P. Wandel), while the changes in representations of the scenes from the Holy Scripture of the first half of 16th century are relatively little-studied, ...
Alexander Esono
National Library of Russia, Russia
The paper is focuced on main theoretical and artistic problems of Renaissance in Iberian region and how these problems are linked to the ...
... Italy in the late thirties to late fourties of the 16th century. It has got a lot to do with revived humanism, lay values and homosexual relations, disguised as alliances on religious issues. Giovan Francesco ...
... is the authors’ interest only in the Album B. The analysis of its relations to other codices, as well as to general problems of the architectural drawing of the 16th century, was out of their interest. ...
Vera Podkovyrova
The Library of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia
Iconography of several cycles of miniatures in Russian Apocalypse manuscripts, formed by the end of the 16th century, ...
... concerning architecture were taking place in the end of the 15th century and in the first quarter of the 16th century. It was the time when Italian architects were invited by Ivan III and Vassiliy III ...
ПРИКЛАДОВА МАРИЯ АЛЕКСАНДРОВНА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Российская Федерация). Церковь и художественная жизнь Болоньи Раннего Нового времени: деятельность Габриэле Палеотти (1522–1597) ...
ЕРШОВ ПЕТР ГЛЕБОВИЧ (Комитет по государственному контролю, использованию и охране памятников истории и культуры, Российская Федерация). Теория А.И. Некрасова о происхождении каменного шатрового зодчества ...
... in Novgorod Architecture of the 16th Century
В многочисленных публикациях о новгородской архитектуре XVI в. одной из ключевых тем является вопрос о характере взаимодействия местной традиции и привнесённых ...
ТРУШНИКОВА АЛЕКСАНДРА ВАДИМОВНА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Российская Федерация), КОСТЫРЯ МАКСИМ АЛЕКСЕЕВИЧ (Научно-исследовательский музей при Российской академии художеств, Российская ...
СУББОТИНА ОЛЬГА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА (Библиотека Российской Академии наук, Российская Федерация). Интерпретация гравюр парижских богослужебных книг первой половины XVI века: от Альфреда В. Полларда к современным ...
... of Theatre Arts, Russian Federation). Reimagining the Holy Place: The Image of Jerusalem in Antwerp Painting of the 16th Century
Давно утвердилось мнение, что образ Иерусалима в живописи фламандских ...
... мастерская Гольбейнов, Германия, эпоха Возрождения, XVI в., Зигмунд Гольбейн, атрибуция, XV в.
Holbein, Holbein’s workshop, Germany, Renaissance, 16th century, Sigmund Holbein, attribution, 15th century ...
... progressive historical process spanning the 16th century to the Baroque movement. The conceptualisation of ugliness in these works cannot be boiled down to a mere voluntary (transgression) or involuntary ...
... to date these paintings at the beginning of the 16th century because they are stylistic close to the manner of Cristoforo Scacco, a painter well known in Southern Latium at the very same time.
The decoration ...
... we know that Lycia was included in the Persian Empire from the middle of the 6th century BC until the conquest of Alexander the Great, and throughout this period maintained relations with the Ancient Greek ...
... features of frescoes of Italian villas of the 16th century // Problems of ancient history and history of Middle ages. Moscow, 1981.
Classical tradition and art of the Renaissance (frescoes ...
... school, most often referring to the 16th century. How powerful the impact of Byzantine culture on modern culture is can be seen from several works by Maksimov, namely murals of the Church of St. George ...
(2015 World Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Art)
... the only way to create a relatively accurate and objective picture of cities. In the 16th century there appeared analytical methods for building a wide perspective of views from a bird flight. Since the ...