Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art

Program of the conference (PDF)

    • October, 4th     Tuesday
      October, 5th     Wednesday
       October, 6th       Thursday
      Streaming 1
       Art of the Ancient World
       Old Russian Art
       Renaissance Art
        Theory of Art
       European Art of the Modern Time
       Art of Early Christianity and the Christian East
       Russian Art of the 18th-19th cc.
      Art of the 20th c. and Contemporary Art
       Byzantine Art and Medieval Balkans
      Art of the Ancient World
       Old Russian Art
      Interdisciplinary Methods in Cultural Heritage Studies
       Museum and Restoration Studies


        European Art of the Middle Ages


       Art of the 20th c. and Contemporary Art
       Byzantine Art and Medieval Balkans



Program of the conference (PDF)

Program of the conference (PDF)

  October, 14th Monday October, 15th Tuesday October, 16th Wednesday October, 17th Thursday October, 18th Friday
The State Hermitage Museum Plenary session; Art of the Ancient World - 1 Art of the Ancient World - 2-3 Art of the Ancient World - 4    
St.Petersburg University   European Art of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - 1 Renaissance Art - 2 Old Russian Art  
St.Petersburg University   Russian Art of the 18th-19th cc. - 1 и 2 Art of the 20th c. and Contemporary Art - 1 -2 Theory of Art  
St.Petersburg University   Oriental Art - 1 и 2 Byzantine Art and Medieval Balkans. Art of the Christian East An Artist in a Printing House Types of Visual Texts: The History of Development and Modern Culture
St.Petersburg University     Russian Art of the 18th-19th cc. - 3 Museum and Restoration Studies European Art of the Modern Time
Russian National Library     Interdisciplinary Methods in Cultural Heritage Studies    

Program of the conference (PDF)

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University, and the State Hermitage Museum invite you to take part in the 10th International Academic Conference

Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art

Moscow, October 4 – 6, 2022.



The conference will be held in online format.

Languages used: Russian, English

The conference "Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art" is an international academic forum held every two years in Moscow and St. Petersburg alternately by Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. The State Hermitage Museum is a permanent partner of the conference.

The conference discusses a wide range of issues of theory and history of fine arts and architecture, preservation and interpretation of Russian and world cultural heritage, interaction between the academic art history and the museum practice. The forum is interdisciplinary in nature, as the chronological range of the discussed topics covers all periods - from the prehistoric era to the present. We welcome art historians, cultural study specialists, archaeologists, conservators, museum curators, and other scholars, whose work is directly related to the study of architecture, fine and applied arts.

Applications are accepted in the following major areas:

  • Ancient art
  • Byzantine art, medieval Balkans and the Christian East
  • European art of the Middle Ages
  • Old Russian art
  • Renaissance art
  • European art of the modern time
  • Russian art of the 18th – 19th centuries
  • Art of the 20th century and contemporary art
  • Theory of art
  • Interdisciplinary methods in cultural heritage studies

Applications for participation in the conference will be accepted starting April 1st until June 1st, 2022, only through the official website of the conference at To submit an application, you have to open a personal account on our website, fill out an electronic application form, and submit the abstract of your paper (up to 2,000 to 3,500 characters including spaces). The abstracts are to be submitted only in the language in which your paper is intended.

The abstracts will be used in the selection process, publication is not provided.

Preferences will be given to those applicants whose works present most convincingly the results of recent research, make a significant contribution to the issues discussed, and allow the formation of interesting semantic blocks within the planned sections.

Information about the acceptance or rejection of applications will be available to the participants through their personal accounts on our website after June 30, 2022. Notification by e-mail will not be provided. The reasons for rejecting applications are not commented on.

We are planning to publish a selection of articles in 2023 and 2024 in the two-volume issue of "Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art" (indexed by the international database SCOPUS and the Russian RSCI database).

The schedule of the 2024 Conference sections will be published on the website on September 14, and the detailed program will be uploaded online on October 1. The conference is held in a face-to-face and remote format.
Saint Petersburg State Universit
yLomonosov Moscow State University
, and the State Hermitage Museum invite you to take part in the 11th International Academic Conference

Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art

Saint Petersburg, October 14 – 19, 2024



Languages used: Russian, English

The conference "Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art" is an international academic forum held every two years in Moscow and St. Petersburg alternately by Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. The State Hermitage Museum is a permanent partner of the conference.

The conference discusses a wide range of issues of theory and history of fine arts and architecture, preservation and interpretation of Russian and world cultural heritage, interaction between the academic art history and the museum practice. The forum is interdisciplinary in nature, as the chronological range of the discussed topics covers all periods - from the prehistoric era to the present. We welcome art historians, cultural study specialists, archaeologists, conservators, museum curators, and other scholars, whose work is directly related to the study of architecture, fine and applied arts.

Applications are accepted in the following major areas:

  • Ancient art
  • Byzantine art, medieval Balkans and the Christian East
  • European art of the Middle Ages
  • Old Russian art
  • Renaissance art
  • European art of the modern time
  • Russian art of the 18th – 19th centuries
  • Art of the 20th century and contemporary art
  • Oriental art
  • Theory of art
  • Interdisciplinary methods in cultural heritage studies

Applications for participation in the conference will be accepted starting April 1st until June 1st, 2024, only through the official website of the conference at To submit an application, you have to open a personal account on our website, fill out an electronic application form, and submit the abstract of your paper (up to 2,000 to 3,500 characters including spaces). The abstracts are to be submitted only in the language in which your paper is intended.

The abstracts will be used in the selection process, publication is not provided.

Preferences will be given to those applicants whose works present most convincingly the results of recent research, make a significant contribution to the issues discussed, and allow the formation of interesting semantic blocks within the planned sections.

Information about the acceptance or rejection of applications will be available to the participants through their personal accounts on our website after June 30, 2024. Notification by e-mail will not be provided. The reasons for rejecting applications are not commented on.

We are planning to publish a selection of articles in 2025 and 2026 in the two-volume issue of "Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art" (indexed by the international database SCOPUS and the Russian RSCI database).


‘@Evgenia Popova’ (2022) by Evgenia Buravleva has been chosen as the emblem of 2022 conference.

emblem2022 600 1

The selection committee has chosen a children's drawing to serve as the emblem of the 2024 conference. The contest was open to children and teenagers aged 5 to 14 and took place in November-December 2023.

The children's drawing contest, "Art Around Us," was held by St. Petersburg State University in collaboration with the innovative Children's Reading Center, "Library of Book Heroes," of the Central District Children's Library of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution, "Central Library of the Petrogradsky District." This event was held as part of the "The City of Peter in the Lens of a Book Hero" and "A Tale Painted with a Brush" projects.

The city of St. Petersburg is a veritable museum of art, with examples of artistic expression visible in almost every public space. It is regarded as one of the most aesthetically pleasing cities in Europe. The city was founded by Peter the Great and built by architects from a array of countries. It is only worthwhile to acknowledge the aesthetic qualities of surrounding environments and to adopt an artistic perspective in viewing the world. It would be inaccurate to suggest that art is solely confined to art museums. The city's streets and squares, palaces and parks, embankments and bridges are worthy of admiration. For some, the most valuable aspect of the city is a home, a route to school, a small backyard, or an aged tree in a neighboring park. The objective was to create a colorful representation of the Northern Capital City that was particularly cherished by the participants.

It was a challenging task for the jury, which had to evaluate the works of 65 young artists. The quality of the submissions was impressive, with each piece demonstrating a distinct talent and individuality. The following are a few examples:


Karpovka River Embankment / Akhmedova Lilia, 13 years old
Karpovka River Embankment / Akhmedova Lilia, 13 years old


Mini-city / Sofia Makhtina, 8 years old
Mini-city / Sofia Makhtina, 8 years old



Alexander Column. View of the Alexandrovsky Garden and St. Isaac's Cathedral / Petrov Dima, 8 years old
Alexander Column. View of the Alexandrovsky Garden and St. Isaac's Cathedral / Petrov Dima, 8 years old

Тематический блок международного симпозиума "Актуальные проблемы теории и истории искусства" IX международная конференция Искусство и культура Средневековья: наследие и перспективы осмысления пройдет на площадках СПбГУ с 26 по 31 октября 2020 года (очный формат участия). 

Тематический блок организован Санкт-Петербургским университетом при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (проект № 20-012-22040) .
Спецификой научной проблематики этого тематического блока станут не только ключевые вопросы качественного исследования памятников средневекового искусства в широком диапазоне от рукописей до архитектурных ансамблей, но и осмысление преломления древних традиций в значимых культурных явлениях и идеологических парадигмах Нового времени.
Новым в подходе к формированию тематического спектра конференции станет включение блока междисциплинарных исследований, посвященного результатам экспериментального сотрудничества ученых национального исследовательского центра «Курчатовский институт», филологов, искусствоведов и специалистов других гуманитарных областей.

Конференция способствует решению фундаментальных научных проблем, находящихся в фокусе научной работы ведущих российских и зарубежных ученых в области искусствознания, истории и теории архитектуры, культурологии, а также специалистов, осуществляющих инновационные эксперименты на стыке гуманитарных и естественных наук. Спектр фундаментальных тем находит отражение в разнообразной тематике секций. Многие из этих исследовательских направлений были поддержаны грантами Президента РФ, РНФ и др. Значительный по объему блок  составляет реализация проектов РФФИ.

Научная программа мероприятия включает заседания по следующим направлениям:

Искусство и культура Древней Руси

Христианское искусство Средневековья

Архитектура: вопросы изучения и реставрации

Искусство Нового и Новейшего времени: трансформация средневекового мышления, наследие, историческая память

Культурное наследие: междисциплинарный подход на стыке гуманитарных и естественных наук

В 2020 году конференция станет площадкой для апробации не менее 40 докладов по результатам исследований в рамках проектов РФФИ. Также в работе конференции примут участие более 30 иностранных специалистов из ведущих университетов и институтов 11 стран.

Знакомство с представителями зарубежных научных школ позволит отечественным специалистам адекватно оценивать современный уровень знаний в той или иной области, учитывать последние достижения, уметь использовать новые методы, налаживать полезные контакты, создавать новые совместные научные проекты. Сотрудничество и взаимодействие разных направлений и научных школ является непременным условием дальнейшего плодотворного развития российского искусствознания.

Наряду с известными российскими и зарубежными специалистами к работе в конференции активно привлекаются молодые исследователи, в том числе учащиеся обоих университетов, сотрудники научно-исследовательских институтов, российских и зарубежных музеев.

Конференция сопровождается публикациями в научном сборнике «Актуальные проблемы теории и истории искусства» (SCOPUS, Q2; ядро РИНЦ), для которого редакционная коллегия отберет лучшие статьи.


Тезисы PDF Программа PDF


ПРОГРАММА СЕКЦИЙ тематического блока  Искусство и культура Средневековья: наследие и перспективы осмысления


26 октября


27 октября


28 октября


29 октября


30 октября


31 октября


СПбГУ, Институт истории. Менделеевская линия, д. 5, ауд. 84

Формат: очный/онлайн


10:00-15:30 Искусство и культура Древней Руси




СПбГУ, Факультет свободных искусств и наук (дворец Бобринских), Галерная ул. 58-60, ауд.155

Формат: очный/онлайн


11:00 -15:00

Архитектура: вопросы изучения и реставрации (ч.1) 

15:30 -18:00

Архитектура: вопросы изучения и реставрации (ч.2) Деревянное зодчество: сохранение традиции


10:30 -19:00

Христианское искусство Средневековья (II)


СПбГУ, Факультет свободных искусств  и наук (дворец Бобринских), Галерная ул. 58-60.

Формат: очный/онлайн




 Организована СПбГУ при финансовой поддержке РФФИ по адресу: Российская национальная библиотека
Садовая ул., 18

Формат: очный/онлайн

         10:00 – 18:00

Культурное наследие: междисциплинарный подход на стыке гуманитарных и естественных наук


Онлайн формат

10:30-17:00 Пленарное заседание


Организованы СПбГУ при финансовой поддержке РФФИ по адресу: Arts Square Gallery. Итальянская ул., д. 5

Формат: очный/онлайн



Христианское искусство Средневековья (I)


Искусство Нового и Новейшего времени: трансформация средневекового мышления, наследие, историческая память


Выездные семинары



 Выездные семинары участников выделенного блока «Искусство и культура Средневековья: наследие и перспективы осмысления»:

08:00-17:00 «Санкт-Петербург и Царское Село: история градостроительной программы и проблемы реставрации»;
18:00 «Архитектура и живопись древнего Пскова» (для секций: Искусство и культура Древней Руси, Христианское искусство Средневековья)

Участие в семинарах по предварительной записи  до 27 октября

Выездные семинары участников выделенного блока «Искусство и культура Средневековья: наследие и перспективы осмысления»: «Архитектура и живопись древнего Пскова» (для секций: Искусство и культура Древней Руси, Христианское искусство Средневековья)
Участие в семинарах по предварительной записи  до 27 октября

emblem2020 300Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art conference is an international academic forum held biannually by Lomonosov Moscow State University and Saint Petersburg State University, supported by major Russian museums. The conference takes place alternately in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

The Conference IX is held October 26–31, 2020 in Saint Petersburg, with the State Hermitage Museum as partner museum.

The conference is dedicated to a wide range of issues related to history and theory of visual arts and architecture, conservation and interpretation of Russian and international cultural heritage, and interaction between academic science and museum experience. The chronological scope of this interdisciplinary forum spans from prehistoric era to contemporary stage. The conference welcomes art historians, archaeologists, museum practitioners, art conservators, philologists, culture theorists, and other humanities scholars whose research areas include architecture, visual and decorative arts.

The conference of 2020 focuses on the contemporary perception of historiography and art studies.

The thematic bloc of the International conference “Art and Culture of the Middle Ages: Heritage and Perspectives of Comprehension” was funded by RFBR, project number 20-012-22040.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was held on schedule in both live and online formats. Foreign participants were kindly invited to present their reports in online format.The connection to the online broadcast was provided by the St. Petersburg State University.

 The schedule is based on Moscow time.

Dear colleagues, we ask you to pay attention to the fact that in many countries on October 25, the transition to winter time is carried out. Please note the difference in time zones!