Bibliography |
- Braem G. Psihologiia tsveta (Color Psychology). Moscow, ACT Astrel Publ., 2009. 158 p. (in Russian). Button V. Ben Nicholson. St. Ives Artists. London, Tate Publ., 2007. 80 p.
- Checkland S. Ben Nicholson. London, John Murray Publ., 2000. 486 p.
- Efimov A. V. Tsvet + Forma. Iskusstvo XX-XXI vekov (zhivopis’, skul’ptura, installiatsiia, lend-art, digital-art) (Color + Form. The Art of 20th-21st Centuries (Painting, Sculpture, Installation, Land Art, Digital-Art). Moscow, BuksMart Publ., 2014. 616 p. (in Russian).
- Efimov A. V.; Panova N. G. Arhitekturnaia koloristika (Architectural Coloring). Moscow, BuksMArt Publ., 2016. 136 p. (in Russian).
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- German M. Iu. Modernizm. Iskusstvo pervoi poloviny XX veka (Modernism. The Art of First Half of 20th Century). Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-klassika Publ., 2003. 480 p. (in Russian).
- Gooding M. Abstract Art. Movements in Modern Art. London, Tate Publ., 2008. 96 p.
- Harrison Ch. Ben Nicholson. London, The Tate Gallery Publ., 1969. 72 p.
- Harrod T. (ed.). Ben Nicholson: Between Art and Craft. Obscure Objects of Desire: Reviewing the Crafts in the 20th Century. London, Crafts Council Publ., 1997. 416 p.
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- Ingo W.; Honnef K. Art of the 20th Century. Köln, Taschen Publ., 2005. 840 p.
- Khoroche P. Ben Nicholson: Drawings and Painted Reliefs. Farnham, Lund Humphries Publ., 2002. 159 p.
- Lewison J. Ben Nicholson: The Years of Experiment 1919-39. Cambridge, Kettle’s Yard Gallery Publ., 1983. 80 p.
- Lewison J. Ben Nicholson. London, Phaidon Publ., 1991. 66 p.
- Lewison J. Ben Nicholson. London, The Tate Gallery Publ., 1993. 212 p.
- Liusher M. The Psychological Impact of Color. Promyshlennoe stroitelstvo (Industrial Construction), 1965, no. 11, pp. 25-27 (in Russian).
- Lynton N. Ben Nicholson. New York, Phaidon Press Limited Publ., 1993. 252 p.
- Mironova L. N. Uchenie o tsvete (The Theory of Color). Minsk, Vysshaia shkola Publ., 1993. 463 p. (in Russian).
- Nicholson J. Art and Life: Ben Nicholson, Winifred Nicholson, Christopher Wood, Alfred Wallis, William Staite Murray, Art and Life 1920-1931. London, Philip Wilson Publ., 2013. 192 p.
- Pallasmaa Ju. Mysliashhaia ruka: arhitektura i ekzistentsialnaia mudrost’ bytiia (The Thinking Hand: Existential Architecture and the Wisdom of Life). Moscow, Klassika-XXI Publ., 2013. 176 p. (in Russian).
- Panova N. G. Color-and-Shape Modeling through the Study of Works of Major Artistic Movements of 20th- 21st Centuries. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo i predmetno-prostranstvennaja sreda (Decorative Arts and Object-Spatial Environment), 2015, no. 2, pp. 351-361 (in Russian).
- Panova N. G. Osvoenie tsveto-plasticheskih printsipov masterov XX veka (Mastering Color-Plastic Principles of the Masters of the 20th Century), Tutorial. Moscow, BuksMart Publ., 2016. 240 p. (in Russian).
- Rappaport A. G. 99 pisem o zhivopisi (99 Letters about Painting). Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2004. 344 p. (in Russian).
- Raushenbah B. V. Prostranstvennye postroeniia v zhivopisi (Spatial Construction in Painting). Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1980. 288 p. (in Russian).
- Raushenbah B. A. Geometriia kartiny i zritelnoe vospriiatie (The Geometry of the Painting and Visual Perception). Moscow, Azbuka-klassika Publ., 2002. 162 p. (in Russian).
- Read H. (ed.). Ben Nicholson. A Retrospective Exhibition: Catalogue. London, Tate Gallery Publ., 1955. 76 p.
- Read H. Notes on ‘Abstract” Art. Ben Nicholson: Paintings, Reliefs, Drawings, vol. 1. London, Lund Humphries Publ., 1955. 32 p.
- Read H. Ben Nicholson. Paintings, Reliefs, Drawings, vol. 1. London, Lund Humphries, 1948. 182 p. (reprint 1955).
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- Rothenstein J. Modern English Painters. London, Sickert-Moore, Eyre & Spottiswoode Publ., 1957. 508 p.
- Ruhrberg K. (ed.). ART of the 20th Century: Painting, Sculpture, New Media, Photography. Vol. 1: Painting. Köln, Taschen Publ., 2005. 440 p.
- Russel J. Ben Nicholson: Drawings, Painting and Reliefs 1911-1968. London, Thames & Hudson Ltd Publ., 1969. 325 p.
- Schneckenburger M.; Fricke C.; Honnef K. (eds.). ART of the 20th Century: Painting, Sculpture, New Media, Photography. Vol. 2: Sculpture, New Media, Photography. Köln, Taschen Publ., 2005. 399 p.
- Seuphor M. Piet Mondrian. Life and Work. New York, Harry N. Abrams Publ., 1957. 443 p.
- Stephens C. A Continuous Line. Ben Nicholson in England. London, The Tate Publ., 2008. 126 p.
- Strigal’ov A. A. Plastic Arts and Architectural Form. Arhitekturnaia kompozitsiia: Sovremennye problemy (Architectural Composition: Current Issues). Moscow, Stroiizdat Publ., 1970, pp. 180-183 (in Russian).
- Tarabukin N. The Problem of Space in Painting. Voprosy iskusstvoznaniia (Art Studies), 1993, no. 4, pp. 334¬366 (in Russian).