Abstract |
The chronological typology is the version of a dynamic system taken as a description of developing integrity. It is based on the genre as a type of an artistic image — the ideal element of an artwork which has been encoded in the material. An artistic image forms a system beginning at all levels of genre typology, from a unique artwork, properties of which are common to all levels of the system, up to the global artistic image of the world. In the reality of the artistic process, every genre is characterized by a special form and content, has the necessary and sufficient composition of figurative elements, which are connected by the special structure, and represents its inherent functions. The primary elements of the artistic image at all levels of the system are the images of a man, society, civilization; as the second — a man-made nature, nature uncreated and spiritual — perfect — reality in their inexhaustible variety. The genre chronological typology is a hierarchical dynamic system, whose properties in the differing level of severity are shown in various art forms, genres, genre associations (systems). The process of a genre creation is similar to an individual creative act. Genres and genre systems arise in response to external challenges developed according to an internal program (code of selfdevelopment) and under the influence of impulses of multilayer environment (context). After the creation of a special artistic image, they continue their development in individual and collective perception. Local genres in the system are adjacent to the plurality of intermediate or transitional forms of the genre. The theoretical model of the genre chronological typology is proved on the material of Russian art of the modern period. This model: (A) provides a system of options for the research of individual genres and genre associations (the term by G. K. Wagner) in their growth and development; (B) makes it possible to describe the complex of world masterpieces as a coherent genre system of different types; (C) identifies the logic of an artistic process and some of the factors of art self-development. |
Bibliography |
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