Abstract |
The study aims to highlight the issue of history of the urban movement called “Garden-cities” in Russia. The objective was to prove the existence of the ties between the British social and urban development trends, which were registered in the book by E. Howard Tomorrow. Peaceful Path to Real Reform in 1898, and the simultaneous construction of cities on outer reaches of the Russian Empire.
In contrast with the views of previous researchers, the author suggests the direct impact on the planning of the Far Eastern cities (Dal’nii, Port Arthur, Harbin). In these projects, alumni of Saint-Petersburg higher education institutions took into account the most important components of comfortable urban environment. There were the existing geographical position, the relevance between plan and relief, specifics and needs of a future city, and European latest town-planning ideas. The role of a mediator in the dialogue with the former played the popular “Zodchii” publishing house, the members of which in the 1890–1900s were all the authors. |
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