Title “Triumphal Procession” of the Emperor Maximilian I Habsburg. Project Realization Stages
Author email mila_grafik@mail.ru
About author Mikhailova Liudmila V. — Ph.D. student, St. Petersburg State University. 7–9 Universitetskaya embankment, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199034. mila_grafi k@mail.ru
In the section Western Art from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century
Year 2014 Volume 4 Pages 253260
Type of article RAR Index UDK 7.034(430) Index BBK 85.14

The article deals with the study of two graphic versions of the “Triumphal Procession” of the emperor Maximilian I Habsburg, preserved as a number of miniatures and woodcuts. Miniatures and woodcuts were compared with each other and with the text of the program of the “Triumph”, written by Maximilian I. This comparison became the base for reconstruction of the stages of the work on the cycles. Amendments introduced into the program while it had been created were revealed. The early stages of the work are characterized by interest to genealogy of the Habsburg family, aft erwards in the process of work special attention was paid to developing the theme of the military successes of the Holy Roman Empire. The relationship between the miniatures and woodcuts is discussed in the article. The “Triumphal Procession” is compared with other parts of Maximilian’s art project, aimed at immortalizing his glory, that helps to precise the datings.

Reference Mikhailova, Liudmila V. “Triumphal Procession” of the Emperor Maximilian I Habsburg. Project Realization Stages. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art: Collection of articles. Vol. 4. Eds: Svetlana V. Maltseva, Anna V. Zakharova. St. Petersburg, NP-Print Publ., 2014, pp. 253–260. ISSN 2312-2129.
Publication Article language russian
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