Bibliography |
- Alexandre Iacovleff : Dessins et peintures d’Afrique: Catalogue. Vogel L. ed. Paris, Jules Meynial, 1927. 223 p.
- Alexandre Iacovleff et Serge Elisee ff . Le Th éâtre Japonais (Kabuki). Paris, Jules Meynial, 1933. 95 p.
- Alexandre Iacovleff. Itinérances: Catalogue. Musée des années 30. Haardt de le Baume C. ed. Paris, Somogy – Editions d’Art, 2004. 239 p.
- A.S. A.E. Iakovlev in Africa. Zhar-Ptitsa, 1926, no. 14. pp. 25–31 (in Russian).
- Benua A. A. Iakovlev. Poslednie Novosti, 1938, June, pp. 163–173 (in Russian).
- Birnbaum M. Iacovleff and Other Аrtists. New York, P.A. Struck, 1946. 235 p.
- Ciolkowska M. Iacovleff — Civilized Painter. International Studio, 1922, November, pp. 157– 163.
- Efros A. Th e Russian group. Th e modern French art: Catalogue. Moscow, Izdanie komiteta vystavki, 1928. 71 p. (in Russian).
- Forthuny P. Alexandre Iacovleff et Vassili Choukhaeff . L’Art et les Artistes, 1922, Janvier, pp. 144–152.
- Forthuny P. Un peintre de la Chine — Alexandre Iacovleff . L’art et les artistes, 1920, no 6. 238 p.
- Haardt G.-M., Oduen-Diubrei L. Across the Black Continent. A car raid through the Central Africa Leningrad, Brokgauz-Efron, 1928. 211 p. (in Russian).
- Haard de La Baume C. Alexandre Iacovleff , l’artiste voyageur. Paris, Flammarion, 2000. 159 p.
- Haardt G.-M. Th rough the Deserts and Jungles of Africa by Motor. The National Geographic Magazine, 1932, March, pp. 321–363.
- Galeeva T. Russian artists in Paris in the 1920’s. Preliminary notes. Komod, 1996, no. 5, pp. 2–11 (in Russian).
- Iakovlev A.E. Travel essays. Vestnik Znaniia, 1928, no. 11, pp. 570–576 (in Russian).
- Iakovleva E.P. «It was a time of happiness…». To the history of creation of the double self portrait of A. Iakovlev and V. Shukhaev «Harlequin and Pierrot». Neva, 1987, no. 8, pp. 171–176 (in Russian).
- Iakovleva E.P. To the question of the heritage of the Russian artistic emigration. Zarubezhnaia Rossiia. 1917–1945. Vol. 3. Saint-Petersburg, Liki Rossii, 2004, pp. 333–338 (in Russian).
- Leikind O.L, Makhrov K.V., Severiukhin D.Ia. The artists of Russian emigration. 1917–1939. Biographical dictionary. Saint-Petersburg, Notabene, 2000. 716 p. (in Russian).
- Le théâtre chinois: Peintures, sanguines et croquis d’Alexandre Iacovleff : Album. Chia-Chien C. ed. Paris, Brunoff , 1922. 30 p.
- Les dessins et peintures d’Extrême Orient d’Alexandre Iacovleff . Paris, Editions Lucien Vogel, 1922. 50 p.
- Levinson A. Russian and alien. «Th e world of art». Two artists. Sovremennye Zapiski, 1921, no. 6, August, p. 252 (in Russian).
- Makovskii S. The silhouettes of Russian artists. Moscow, Respublika, 1999. 383 p. (in Russian).
- Petukhov A.V. Art Deco and artistic life in the first quarter of the 20th century. Moscow, Maks Press, 2002. 173 p. (in Russian).
- Russian Paris, 1910–1960: Catalogue. Saint-Petersburg, Palace Editions, 2003. 352 p. (in Russian).
- Shcherbakova G. Th e artist-attache. Khudozhnik, 1990, no. 8, pp. 36–53 (in Russian).
- Tarabukin N. Contemporary Russian graphic artists and engravers of 1922. Nashe Nasledie, 2009, no. 89, pp. 56–72 (in Russian).
- The fates of Neo-classicism in the 20th century: collection of articles. Borisova E.A., Khazanova V.E. ed. Moscow, Gosudarstvennyi Institut Iskusstvoznania, 1997. 147 p. (in Russian).
- Kniazeva V.P. A.E. Iakovlev (1887–1938), V.I. Shukhaev (1887–1973): Catalogue. Leningrad, State Russian Museum, 1988. 75 p. (in Russian).
- They took Russia away with them… Russian emigré artists in France: 1920‒1970’s. From the collection of Réne Guerra: catalogue. Tolstoi A.A., Gerra R. eds. Moscow, Avangard, 1995. 166 p. (in Russian).
- Tolstoi A.V. Th e artists of Russian emigration. Moscow, Iskusstvo XXI veka, 2005. 385 p. (in Russian).
- Valotaire M. Alexander Iacovleff . The Studio, 1926, vol. 92, pp. 307–315.
- Vasilii Shukhaev. Life and oeuvre. Iakovleva E.P. ed. Moscow, Galart, 2010, pp. 138–143 (in Russian).
- «We are your pupils...». Letters of A.E. Iakovlev and V.I. Shukhaev to D.N. Kardovsky (1923– 1934). Iskusstvo Leningrada, 1991, no. 1, pp. 77–81; no. 2, pp. 67–79 (in Russian).