Title Military Topic in the Art of J.A. Atkinson
Author email skvorea@mail.ru
About author Skvortsova, Ekaterina A. Ph.D., St. Petersburg State University, Russia, assistant professor
In the section Western Art of the 15th-20th Centuries
Year 2013 Volume 3 Pages 444449
Type of article RAR Index UDK 75.044 Index BBK 85.03

The article enriches our knowledge about J.A. Atkinson (1774 or 1776 – 1830) — a so far underrated English artist. He made battle pieces both in painterly and graphic techniques, produced both humble scenes from everyday life of the military and ambitious historical compositions on contemporary subjects. Of special interest is a group of his works connected with Russia — portrait-types made with a certain tint of ethnographic curiosity, which is so characteristic of imperial way thinking.

Reference Skvortsova Ekaterina A. Military Topic in the Art of J.A. Atkinson. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art: Collection of articles. Vol. 3. Eds: Svetlana V. Maltseva, Ekaterina Yu. Stanyukovich-Denisova. St. Petersburg, NP-Print Publ., 2013, pp. 444–449. ISSN 2312-2129.
Publication Article language russian
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