Title Early Christian and Byzantine fakes at the turn of the twentienth century: a note on Giancarlo Rossi's Tesoro Sacro
Author email giogasbarri@gmail.com
About author Gasbarri, Giovanni. “La Sapienza” University, Rome, Ph.D. candidate
In the section Eastern Christian Art
Year 2012 Volume 2 Pages 149155
Type of article RAR Index UDK 7.061 Index BBK 85.03

Among the most interesting examples of falsification of Early Christian and Byzantine art, the so-called ‘Tesoro Rossi’ or Rossi Treasury, from the name of the owner, the Italian Cavalier Giancarlo Rossi, deserves a very special attention. This episode is almost forgotten by the modern literature, since the fakes seem no longer traceable. However, at the end of the 19th century, the story of the Tesoro Rossi became a very high profi le international case, which involved a high-pitched scholarly debate. This contribution aims to provide a critical analysis of this strange occurrence, trying to better defi ne its profile within the evolution of the historical approach towards early Christian and Byzantine art.

Reference Gasbarri, Giovanni. Early Christian and Byzantine fakes at the turn of the twentienth century: a note on Giancarlo Rossi's Tesoro Sacro. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art: Collection of articles. Vol. 2. Eds: Anna V. Zakharova. St. Petersburg, NP-Print Publ., 2012, pp. 149–155. ISSN 2312-2129.
Publication Article language english
  • Before the Blisses: 19th century Connoisseurship of the Byzantine Minor Arts (Dumbarton Oaks Library, April 15, 2011 – July 31, 2011): http://library.doaks.org/exhibitions/before_the_blisses/ (accessed April 21, 2012).
  • J.-B.L.G. Seroux d’Agincourt, Histoire de l’art par les monuments, depuis sa décadence au IVe siècle jusqu’à son renouvellement au XVIe, I–VI, Paris 1823 (Italian edition: Storia dell’arte col mezzo dei monumenti dalla sua decadenzanel IV secolo fi no al suo risorgimento nel XVI, I–VI, Prato 1826–1829); J. Labarte, Histoire des arts industriels au Moyen
  • Age et à l’époque de la Renaissance, I–IV, Paris 1864–1866; E. Molinier, Histoire générale des arts appliqués à l’industrie, du Ve à la fi n du XVIIIe siècle, I–IV, Paris 1896; N. Kondakov, Histoire et monuments des émaux byzantins: collection Zwenigorodskoi, Frankfurt 1892; O.M. Dalton, Catalogue of early Christian antiquities and objects from the Christian East in the Department of British and mediaeval antiquities and ethnography of the British museum, London 1901; Id., A guide to the Early Christian and Byzantine antiquities in the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities, London 1921.
  • D. Buckton, in Fake? Th e Art of Deception, ed. by M. Jones, London 1990, pp. 178–179; Id., Byzantine enamels in the twentieth century, in Byzantine Style, Religion and Civilization. In Honour of Sir Steven Runciman, ed. by E. Jeff reys, Cambridge 2006, pp. 25–90.
  • M.P. Botkin, Collection M.P. Botkine, St. Petersburg 1911.
  • F. Crivello, Ancora uno smalto del falsario di Botkin? A proposito di un medaglione con Cristo benedicente e degli smalti “bizantini” nel XIX e XX secolo, in Medioevo: arte e storia, Proceedings of the International Congress (Parma, Sept.18–22, 2007), ed. by A.C. Quintavalle, Milano 2008 (I convegni di Parma: 10), pp. 505–512.
  • A. Pasini, Il tesoro di San Marco in Venezia, I–II, Venezia 1885–1887; Kondakov, Histoire et monuments des émaux byzantins cit.
  • A recent comprehensive overview on the technical and scientifi c determination of the authenticity in art is P. Craddock, Scientifi c Investigation of Copies, Fakes and Forgeries, London 2009. Radiocarbon tests have been recently applied to some ivories preserved in the Victoria & Albert Museum: see P. Williamson, Medieval Ivory Carvings. Early Christian to Romanesque, London 2010, pp. 454–455. Th ere is still an ongoing debate regarding the application of modern scientifi c analyses to medieval ivories: see i.e. the recent Dumbarton Oaks Museum Workshop (June 24th–26th 2011), Ivory Analysis Combined: Art History and Natural Science.
  • G. Bernardi, Gli avori ‘bizantini’ del Museo Làzaro Galdiano di Madrid, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, III, Abstracts of Free Communications, Sofi a 2011, p. 366; see also A. Cutler, Nineteenthcentury versions of the Veroli Casket, in Th rough a glass brightly: studies in Byzantine and Medieval art and archaeology presented to D. Buckton, ed. by C. Entwistle, Oxford 2003, pp. 199–209.
  • See A. Cutler, Th e Hand of the Master, Princeton 1994; Id., Carving, Recarving, and Forgery: Working Ivory in the Tenth and Twentieth Centuries, in West 86th 18/2 (2011), http://www.west86th.bgc.bard.edu/articles/cutler-carvingivory. html (accessed April 21, 2012).
  • I. Nikolajević, Gli avori e le steatiti medievali nei Musei Civici di Bologna, Grafi s, Casalecchio di Reno 1991, pp. 33–46; G. Gasbarri, Gli avori bizantini del Museo Civico Medievale di Bologna: arte, collezionismo e imitazioni in stile, in Vie per Bisanzio, Atti del VII Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini (Venezia, 25–28 novembre
  • 2009), in print.
  • Williamson, Medieval Ivory Carvings cit., pp. 432–436.
  • A. Lipinsky, Ritorna il “Tesoro Sacro Rossi”?, in L’Urbe. Rivista Romana di storia, arte, lettere, costumanze 27 (1964), pp. 31–37; M. Ibsen, Tavole XXV riproducenti il Sacro Tesoro Rossi, in I Longobardi. Dalla caduta dell’Impero all’alba dell’Italia, exhibition (Torino-Novalesa 2006–2007), ed. by G.P. Brogiolo, A. Chavarría Arnau, Cinisello Balsamo 2007, p. 297, nr. 5.17.
  • Tavole XXV riproducenti il Sacro Tesoro Rossi corredate da III Tavole di Storici Cimelii che ne confortano l’epoca opinata, Roma 1888 (2nd ed. Roma 1890).
  • G. Rossi, L. Di Carlo, G. De Vecchi Pieralice, Commenti sopra suppellettili sacre di argento ed oro appartenute ai primissimi secoli della Chiesa. Pubblicati già il 1° Gennaio 1888 pel faustissimo giorno del sacerdotale Giubileo di Papa Leone XIII e dedicati ai cultori di Archeologia Cristiana da Giancarlo Rossi, Roma 1888 (2nd ed. Roma 1890).
  • The bulk of the coins were displayed and sold in December 1880, apparently in order to subsequently buy the “Tesoro”: see Catalogo delle monete italiane medioevali e moderne componenti la collezione del Cav. Giancarlo Rossi di Roma, Roma 1880; Rossi, Di Carlo, De Vecchi Pieralice, Commenti sopra suppellettili sacre cit., pl. XXI.
  • 16 Ibid. pl. XIX–XXIII, pp. 113–114.
  • V. Kalpakcian, La passione privata e il bene pubblico. Il conte Gregorio Stroganoff : collezionista, studioso, fi lantropo e mecenate a Roma fra Otto e Novecento, in Il collezionismo in Russia da Pietro I all’Unione Sovietica, proceedings (Napoli, 2–4 febbraio 2006), ed. by L. Tonini, Formia 2009, pp. 89–113: 95; see also: S. Moretti, Sulle tracce delle opere d’arte
  • bizantina e medievale della collezione di Grigorij Sergeevic Stroganoff , in La Russie et l’Occident. Relations intellectuelles et artistiques au temps des révolutions russes, Actes du colloque, Lausanne 20–21 mars 2009, a cura di I. Foletti, Viella, Roma 2010, pp. 97–121.
  • O. Marucchi, Conferenze della Società di Cultori della Cristiana Archeologia in Roma (Continuazione e fi nedell’anno VII), in Bullettino di Archeologia Cristiana, IV.II (1883), pp. 73–74.
  • 19 Rossi, Di Carlo, De Vecchi Pieralice, Commenti sopra suppellettili sacre cit., pl. XXII.
  • J. Helbig, Le Trésor des ornaments et des instruments liturgiques de la collection du chevalier Giancarlo Rossi à Rome, in Revue de l’Art Chrétien IV.4 (1893), pp. 89–97; X. Barbier de Montault, review on Rossi, Di Carlo, De Vecchi Pieralice, Commenti sopra suppellettili sacre... cit., Ibid., pp. 156–157; A. De Waal, Longobardische Gold-und Silberarbeiten, in Römische Quartalschrift I (1887), p. 272; Id., Der Silber-und Goldschatz des H. Cav. Rossi, in Römische Quartalschrift II (1888), p. 86; Id., Der Silber-und Goldschatz des H. Cav. Rossi, Ibid., pp. 148–164; Id., Eucharistisches Gefäss in Lammes Form, Ibid., pp. 277–280; Id., Die goldene Krone aus dem Schatze des Cav. Rossi, in Römische Quartalschrift III (1889), pp. 66–70.
  • Rossi, Di Carlo, De Vecchi Pieralice, Commenti sopra suppellettili sacre cit., pp. 85–93.
  • See especially De Waal, Die goldene Krone cit.
  • H. Grisar, Ein angeblich altchristlicher Schatz von liturgischen Geräten, in Zeitschrift für Katholische Th eologie XIX (1895), pp. 306–331. French translation: Un prétendu trésor sacré des premiers siècles : (le “Tesoro sacro” du Chev. Giancarlo Rossi à Rome) ; étude archéologique, Rome 1895. Italian translation: Di un preteso tesoro cristiano de’ primi secoli : il “tesoro sacro” del cav. Giancarlo Rossi in Roma: studio archeologico, Roma 1895.
  • See i.e. E. Stevenson, review on Di un preteso tesoro cristiano dei primi secoli…, in Nuovo Bullettino di Archeologia Cristiana I.1 (1895), pp. 125–126; O. Marucchi, Conferenze di Archeologia Cristiana (Anno XX – 1894–1895 – continuazione e fi ne), Ibid., pp. 170–171; C. Hofstede de Groot, Der Tesoro Sacro Rossi, in Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft XVIII
  • (1895), p. 77.
  • K. Krumbacher, in Byzantinische Zeitschrift 4 (1895), pp. 643–644.
  • G. Rossi, Risposta a certo Padre Grisar della C. Di G., scrittore nella Civiltà Cattolica…, Roma 1896; see also G. De Vecchi Pieralice, L’ autenticità del s. tesoro del cav. Giancarlo Rossi dimostrata…, Roma 1896.
  • H. Grisar, Ancora di un preteso tesoro cristiano, Roma 1896.
  • See the obituary in Rivista italiana di numismatica e scienze affi ni, XI (1898), p. 305, with no reference to the fakes.
  • The case of the Rossi Treasury was later recalled in general essays such as K.M. Kaufmann, Handbuch der christlichen Archäologie, Paderborn 1905, pp. 72–73.
  • Rossi, Risposta cit., p. 158; Grisar, Ancora di un preteso tesoro cristiano cit., p. 13.
  • Lipinsky, Ritorna il “Tesoro Sacro Rossi”? cit., passim.