Title Subjects in the Paintings by J. A. Atkinson
Author email conference@actual-art.org
About author Kustova, Anna E. Russian Subjects in the Paintings by J. A. Atkinson. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art : Collection of articles. Vol. 1.St. Petersburg State University. — St. Petersburg, 2011 — P. 196–203.
In the section Russian Art in the 18–20th Centuries
Year 2011 Volume 1 Pages 196203
Type of article RAR Index UDK 75.03 Index BBK 85.143(3)

The report is dedicated to the Russian subjects in the paintings by John Augustus Atkinson. In 1784–1801 he worked in St. Petersburg. Atkinson worked in Russia during the period of transition from Neoclassicism to Romanticism. It can be clearly seen in his canvases. In his work he combined English and Russian cultural traditions, which is a special feature of his individual manner. His painting gives us a good possibility to look at Russia from the foreign artist’s viewpoint . 

Reference Kustova, Anna E. Subjects in the Paintings by J. A. Atkinson. Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art: Collection of articles. Vol. 1. Eds: Svetlana V. Maltseva, Ekaterina Yu. Stanyukovich-Denisova. St. Petersburg, NP-Print Publ., 2011, pp. 196–203. ISSN 2312-2129.
Publication Article language russian
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