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PhD in Art History, Research associate

Graduated from the Department of History and Theory of Art, Lomonosov State university. Completed a postgraduate course at the State Institute of Art Studies. In 1999-2005 worked at the Department of Manuscripts, State Restoration and Research Institute. From 2005 has lectured at the Department of World Art History. From 2002 has worked part-time at the Department of History of Byzantine Art, State Institute of Art Studies. In 2003 finished her PhD "Miniatures in Emperors' menologions and Byzantine art of the end of the 10th – first half of the 11th century"

Anna Zakharova had an internship in Rome (French School scholarship 2001, 2004; Vatican library scholarship 2004-2005), London (The Warburg Institute of the University of London scholarship, 2002), Athens (The Onassis Foundation scholarship, 2005-2006). From 2004 Anna Zakharova has participated in international research projects, such as “Menologion of Basil II” (the Vatican library; Church of Hellas; “Testimonio” publishing, Madrid) or "The Codex Sinaiticus Project" (The British library; Russian National library, Sacred Monastery of the God-Trodden Mount Sinai; Leipzig University library).

Research interests

Byzantine art (illuminated manuscripts and monumental painting of the mid-Byzantine period)


  • Early Christian art. Byzantine art.

  • History of Western art

  • Structural analysis of monuments

  • Byzantine illuminated manuscripts of the 15-16th centuries: prominent manuscripts, problems, research methods

  • Byzantine painting of the 9-11th centuries: Constantinople and provinces

  • Byzantine painting of the Komnenos period. Constantinople and provinces

  • Problems of Byzantine art (along with prof. O.S.Popova)


  • Frescoes of the Church of Panagia Mavriotissa in Kastoria // Byzantine annals, 2000

  •  Gli otto artisti del Menologio di Basilio II // Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae. 2003. Vol.10 (Studi e testi 416). P.379-432.

  • Byzantine illuminated festive lectionaries (the Isel type) // Byzantine annals , 2004, vol. 63

  • The Original Cycle of Miniatures in the Trebizond Lectionary and its Place in the Byzantine Tradition of the Lectionary Illustration // Nea Rhome. 2005. Т.2. [Ampelokepion. Studi di amici e colleghi in onore di Vera von Falkenhausen, II]. P.169-192.

  • Acquisition of the Sinai Bible by Russia in the light of new documents from Russian archives // Monfokon. Research on palaeography, codicology and diplomacy. Vol. 1, Moscow, St. Petersburg, 2007 (Available at: электроннаяверсия).

  • Images of saints in frescoes of St. Sofia Cathedral in Kiev. Part 1: Inner galleries // Byzantine annuals. Vol. 66, 2007 (with N. Gerasimenko and V. Sarabianov)

  • On some iconographical features of the Trebizond Gospel miniatures // Image of Byzantium. Compendium of articles dedicated to O.S. Popova. Moscow, 2008

  • The Trebizond Lectionary (cod. gr. 21 and 21a, Russian National Library, Saint-Petersburg) and Byzantine Art after the Macedonian Renaissance // Deltion tis Christianikis Archaiologikis Etaireias. 2008. T.29. P.59-68

  • Los ocho artistas del Menologio de Basilio II // El Menologio de Basilio II. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. gr. 1613. Libro de estudios con ocasión de la edición facsímil, dirigido por Francesco D'Aiuto, edición española a cargo de Inmaculada Pérez Martín. Città del Vaticano, Atenas, Madrid, 2008 (Colección Scriptorium, 18). P.131-195.

  • Las restauraciones de las miniaturas en el siglo XVIII. Descripción de las intervenciones // Ibid. P.299-305.