ЛУКИЧЕВА КРАСИМИРА ЛЮБЕНОВНА (Научно-исследовательский институт теории и истории изобразительных искусств Российской академии художеств, Российская Федерация). «Французский акцент» в искусствоведении на ...
... индийский авангард, индихенизм, Рупанкар, современный музей
Jagdish Swaminathan, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Octavio Paz, structuralism, Indian Modern Art, Indian Avant-Garde, indigenism, Roopankar, Contemporary ...
... architecture. At the beginning it was structuralism and semiotics in his first book, “Intentions in Architecture”, but very soon he shifted his interest to phenomenology (and Heidegger) and started building ...
... of the Soviet Union established an academic council of cybernetics. It was precisely the council that joined cybernetics, structuralism and semiotics on the official level. One of the most significant ...
... systematic interdisciplinary approach. In the second half of the 20th century the development of structural linguistics promoted the emergence of post-structuralism. Here the classical “world view” is interpreted ...
... to it could be found both in early Russian modernism and in some art trends of the late Soviet period. Among them there are also ideas of structuralism and semiotics and Gestalt theory. A starting point ...