Alexandra Medennikova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
The sarcophagi are the most important testimony of Early Christian sculpture. They survive in great number to the present day. ...
НЕНАХОВА МАРИЯ НИКОЛАЕВНА (Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Российская Федерация). Клазоменский саркофаг из Британского музея: семантические аспекты декора и формы
... as on the marble sarcophagi. In the Christian tradition the scenes of “grape harvest” were reinterpreted according to the Christian symbolic traditions, where wine became the symbol of the Atonoment and ...
... Stone sculpture and reliefs, sarcophagi, mosaics and wall paintings, clay and bronze figurines, cosmetic containers and coins will be presented and discussed. Male and female divinities, their worshipers, ...
... cultures like seen from the history of graeco-barbarian contacts in the North Pontic region?
In the author’s opinion, the analysis of some plaster-cast applique used to decorate Bosporan wooden sarcophagi ...