... heritage, including the Renaissance art, which was common to all European countries in the modern era, became actual for Russian art. This tendency had a serious impact on the development of family portraiture ...
ОКРОШИДЗЕ ЛИЯ ГУРАМИЕВНА (Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Российская Федерация). Женский портрет кисти Михеля Зиттова из Музея истории искусств в Вене. Новые открытия
LIYA ...
ТРОИЦКАЯ АННА АЛЕКСЕЕВНА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Российская Федерация). Визуальная риторика английского ренессансного портрета: контексты и интерпретации
... Moscow State University, Russian Federation). Funerary Portraiture in Early Christian Catacombs
Изображения умерших раннехристианского периода в силу своих формальных характеристик долгое время не воспринимались ...
... Studies of Ancient Portraiture in the Works of Oscar Waldhauer and Mikhail Rostovtsev
Основные направления российской школы антиковедения, к началу XX века завоевавшей международное признание, были обозначены ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
... Renaissance motives are revealed in portraiture by Y. Kaluta, V. Borovik, E. Zubov and in landscape paintings by A. Bliok, N. Tsitsin, M. Atayants, M. Razdoburdin. There is no doubt, that in the works ...
(2015 Russian Art of the 20th Century and Contemporary Russian Art)
... of the representational portraiture of the 18th century as well as the tastes of the art nouveau. Again, in Morozov’s portrait the artist clearly manifests a traditional image of a monarch widely used ...
... art of early Romanticism but none of the authors singles out the phenomenon of portraiture around 1800 as a particular problem. However, in our view, this problem is interesting for future researches. ...
... of portraiture in Spain with its tendency towards glorious, pompous and decorative image.
In his first portraits of Charles II Claudio Coello followed the image template set by his predecessor Juan ...
... Portraiture of the 1750s — Early 19th Century
2.3.11. Valeriia I. Koroleva (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) “Artists of Cameos” in Russia in the Second Half of the 18th —Early 19th Century ...