Olga Petrunina
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
This study analyzes the concept of Athens developed by German and Greek architects in the 1830s and its implementation as well as contemporary ...
ДОИГ АЛЛАН (Оксфордский Университет, Великобритания). Гордость и покаяние: памятник Алисе Чосер в историческом контексте
ALLAN DOIG (University of Oxford, United Kingdom). Pride and Penitence: The Alice ...
... (University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy). Iranian Rock-Reliefs and Iranian Kingship through the Eyes of Modern Scholarship, Politics and Nationalism
From the early 14th century, European travellers ...
... of the state (authority), culture and religion, as culture again was able to influence politics through creative personalities, whilst art and an artist were endowed with spiritual and social functions. ...
... to the religious and cultural offensive, is the early history of the Jesuit Order. The theology and politics of this ‘Catholic Reformation’ addressed the matter of indulgences and related abuses, and art ...
... concepts of Aristotle’s Rhetoric that might specify its meaning in more detail. The ancient Greek philosopher distinguished “common topics (koinoi topoi), which may be applied alike to Law, Physics, Politics, ...
... 18th – 19th Centuries
3.5.9. Iurii G. Tulupenko (Herzen State Pedagogical University, Russia) Antiquity in the 18th-century English Garden: Aesthetics and Politics
14:00–15:00 Break
3.5.10. ...