Evgeny Danilov
P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Russia
The thirteenth-century Chartres cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. It is known primarily for its towers, stained-glass ...
Sofia Yusim
Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts, Russia
The article examines major milestones of formation of iconography of The Last Supper (from early Christian catacombs to the 20th century) ...
Iuliia Chezhina
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
The 18th century in Russian art may be called the epoch of portrait-painting. This very genre marked by strong interest in personality ...
Irina Kulakova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
The paper examines one of the revered in Orthodoxy types of icons of the Virgin — the Virgin of Passion. The theme of the Arma Christi ...
... of a rare iconography “Christ the Great Hierarch with the Crucifix”, which emerged in the middle of the 17th century. Iconographical analysis confirmed the argument that the Western European iconographic ...
... iconography of particular scenes generally following Byzantine models is rather unconventional, as many details do not conform to orthodox Biblical narrative and have no parallels in Christian art of that ...
... an epithet, but it applies to the artworks very different in iconography. Obviously, it is necessary to clarify the definition “Peribleptos” and to eliminate the contradictions connected with it.
It ...
Maria Iakovleva
Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia
This report focuses on the mosaic decoration in the church of the Holy Apostles (Thessaloniki), founded by Patriarch Niphon ...
... Roman and Christian emperors are often depicted with the raised right hand well into the Middle Ages. The place of this gesture in Christian iconography is well-documented; it became a predominant gesture ...
... of Sciences, Russian Federation). The Aureole of Light in the Iconography of Buddha
Представление о сиянии, которое при определенных условиях способно исходить от головы (или всего тела) великого человека ...
... the Virgin” in the Wall-Painting of the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery Cathedral 1649–1650: The Role in the Programme and Features of Iconography
В состав существующей росписи Рождественского собора ...
НАЗАРОВА ОЛЬГА АЛЕКСЕЕВНА, ГАЙНУЛЛИНА РЕГИНА РАВИЛЬЕВНА (Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», Российская Федерация). О смысле и назначении картины Париса Бордоне «Явление ...
... (State Museum-Reserve “Tsaritsyno”, Russian Federation). “Madonnas” in the Art of Sassetta: Some Specific Features of Iconography
Стефано ди Джованни да Кортона (Cассетта), будучи представителем сиенской ...
... в рейнско-маасском регионе.
средневековая миниатюра, христианская иконография, типологический принцип, модель и копия, романское искусство
medieval book illumination, Christian iconography, typology, ...
ОВЧАРОВА ОЛЬГА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА (Государственный институт искусствознания Министерства культуры РФ, Российская Федерация). Святые бессребреники в программах средневизантийских храмов с погребениями
OLGA ...
ЛИДОВА МАРИЯ (Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова, Российская Федерация). Муранский диптих, или сказ о том, как первые византинисты оклад искали
MARIA LIDOVA (Lomonosov Moscow ...
ВИНОГРАДОВ АНДРЕЙ ЮРЬЕВИЧ (Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», Российская Федерация). Циклы храмовых росписей VII–IX веков по данным агиографии
... influences of different provenience and origin in archaeological and epigraphical material, particularly in art works and rich iconography from votive and funerary monuments. In a complex try of collecting, ...
... we will stress to explain the most profound structure on the Athenian society, by reevaluating the iconography of the Great Frieze of Parthenon.
Парфенон, Афины в эпоху Перикла, рельефы большого ...
... further on methodology, theory or concepts which can be used, and on historiography.
In that context, stylistic studies, iconography and iconology are closely related.
During the 19th century AD, Lycian ...